My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1644 Is the pit cargo finally transshipped?

"Little junior sister, tell me, what exactly did you buy?" Qiu Qianjian became more frightened the more he heard it, interrupted her and asked straightforwardly.

"Of course they are all good things. For example, this Vajra Volleyball Clock is made of eighteen kinds of meteorite gold, plus ninety-nine and eighty-one kinds of elite mithril. It can be said to be a unparalleled divine weapon!" Luo Enen took out an ancient clock about one grade and a half feet tall, and showed it to Chang Qiu and the others.

The corners of Chang Wanfa's and Qiuqianjian's mouths twitched at the same time, and they met gods and gods and Buddhas and Buddhas, why don't you just destroy the world and forget it. Please, even if we are not proficient in the way of refining weapons, we can still see that this is just the lowest magic weapon, it is nothing more than an old-fashioned appearance.

Needless to say, Miss Lorne was cheated again, and she was cheated miserably, very miserably!

"Hey, Junior Sister, I seem to remember that you bought a similar ancient clock, almost exactly like this one." Qiu Qianjian suddenly thought of something, and looked at Luo Enen with strange eyes.

There are too many "good treasures" bought back by Lonen, of course he can't remember all of them, but there is such an ancient clock in his memory, which is very similar to the one in front of him.

This time it was Luo Enen's turn to feel a click in her heart. This time she went to Fengming Ji just to put on a show, and didn't buy anything at all. This so-called Vajra Volunteering God Clock was indeed bought before. And the memory is so good, I still remember it after so long.

Although Qiu Qianjian made the secret clear, Luo Enen was not in a hurry at all. He rolled his eyes and patted his forehead in a sudden realization: "That's right, I forgot if Brother Qiu didn't tell me, I bought it last time." Pass a vajra subduing demon bell, which is exactly the same as this vajra subduing god bell, even the name is only one word different, I will find it out and compare."

After finishing speaking, Luo Enen poured out a lot of messy "treasures of heaven and earth" and "sharp weapons" from the space bracelet, and rummaged through them.

After searching for a long time, the Vajra Fushen Clock, which is only one word different from the Vajra Fushen Clock, was not found, but an ancient lamp with a unique shape was found.

"Forget it, forget it, let me show you the ancient magic eye lamp I bought this time, the refining process, and the runes. It's not bad." Luo Enen held up the ancient lamp , began to show off again.

"This magic weapon is indeed refined well. I don't know what its magical effect is?" Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's attention was immediately attracted by this ancient lamp, and they didn't have the time to think about the Vajra Fushen Bell. They both asked curiously. .

Although they are not good at refining weapons, after all, the two of them are well-informed after living such an old age, and they can tell at a glance that the refining skills of this ancient lamp are indeed extraordinary, and it should be from the hands of famous masters.

Could it be that this cheating product has finally been re-shipped and really bought a good treasure?

"The greatest use of this ancient god's eye lamp is to see through all illusory illusions, and any mazes and phantasms are useless in front of it." Seeing the curiosity of Chang Qiu and the others, Luo Enen said triumphantly.

"Yes, this magic weapon is really good." Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian praised in unison.

You must know that many heaven and earth formations or ancient ruins have mazes and phantom formations. If you get lost in them, no matter how high your cultivation is, you will be helpless, and if you can break through false illusions, the power of the formations is equivalent to less than half.

This magic weapon may not be of much use at ordinary times, but if it is used for treasure hunting, it will have an irreplaceable magical effect.

Looking at that ancient lamp, even they were a little envious of Lonen's good luck this time.

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