My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1648 Find someone to borrow money

"Junior Sister, Elder Qiu and I will figure out a way to get you another four hundred middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, what do you think?" The two came to Luo Enen and said.

"Thank you two senior brothers. As long as I have these 400 middle-grade Holy Spirit Stones, I'll make preparations and set off immediately within three days at most." Luo Enen's eyes smiled like crescent moons.

"Well, wait for a while, we'll come as we go." It was rare that Lonen didn't open his mouth this time, and Chang Qiu and the two were afraid that the night would be long and dreamy, so they cupped their hands and left quickly.

Behind them, Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin looked at the leaving figures of the two elders, their eyes were full of sympathy, and their admiration became stronger when they looked at Luo Enen: After a long time of trouble, Luo Enen went to Fengming Ji wandered around, and it turned out that this was the idea!

This little martial uncle really cheated people without paying for their lives, but the two elders were caught by her, and they were completely powerless to fight back! With such little junior sisters at the booth, they have also suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

Not long after leaving Qingxi Valley, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian separated and returned to the peak separately.

"Who should I borrow first?" Chang Wanfa struggled as he walked away.

Although he had already pulled the swing sword into the water, but borrowing money from his disciples would be embarrassing, so he should try his best to find a few well-off and strict-mouthed ones, so as not to cause a commotion and damage his reputation as an elder.

"Third Uncle, you're back, what's the matter?" At this time, Chang Yingrong came to meet him, seeing Chang Wanfa's sad face, and asked worriedly.

"That Luo Enen is simply a prodigal..." Chang Wanfa sighed and recounted the previous incident in detail.

Mentioning the pile of Xibei goods that Lonen bought back, especially the ancient magic eye lamp that turns on when there is light and turns off when there is no light, Elder Chang's heart beats again, his breath is short of breath, and his head is in a bad state. Dizzy and dizzy.

"Then what should we do now?" Chang Yingrong didn't expect Luo Enen to be such a prodigal, so she was stunned for a long time before asking with a wry smile.

"I have no choice but to borrow some Holy Spirit Stones from inner disciples first. Do you think I should go to Ji Yingshi first, or Ke Wenyuan, or Liu Mingying first?" Chang Wanfa said tangled.

This is a major matter related to his reputation. The fewer people who know about it, the better. You can't find a big mouth to spread it around.

"Third Uncle, why don't you sell the natural and earthly treasures in the Secret Art Palace?" Chang Yingrong saw what he was worried about, and said after thinking about it.

"No, that is the foundation of my Fazong's foothold, and it must not be used lightly!" Chang Wanfa vetoed his proposal.

The secret law hall that Chang Yingrong mentioned is located on the cliff behind the holy law peak. It is the most mysterious place in the holy law peak. Even some inner disciples of the Fazong who started late don't know its existence.

The treasures of heaven, material and earth passed down from generation to generation by the elders of Fazong are hidden in this hall.

"Then I can only go to the disciples to borrow it, or else, go to Ji Yingshi first." Chang Yingrong also knew the importance of the Secret Art Palace, and after hearing the words were not good enough to persuade her, she gave a suggestion.

After all, Ji Yingshi's achievements today are thanks to Chang Wanfa's insightful eyesight, and he should take his face into consideration, and won't spread the matter casually.

"Alright, I'll go find him first." Chang Wanfa pondered for a while, and felt that Chang Yingrong's suggestion was just what he wanted, so he blushed and walked towards Ji Yingshi's residence.

Holy Sword Peak, Swing Sword thought for a long time, and walked towards the residence of his eldest brother Yang Ning, his old face was flushed with embarrassment.

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