My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1649 It's almost time to finish

Two hours later, the two elders came to Qingxi Valley again.

"Junior Sister, we have all the Holy Spirit Stones you want." Chang Wanfa handed the Holy Spirit Stones to Luo Enen. When he said this, his face was still burning secretly. As an elder of the sect, he actually borrowed money from his disciples. It's embarrassing, it's really embarrassing.

"Thank you two senior brothers. I will prepare for a maximum of three days. Once I am ready, I will set off for a school." Luo Enen's eyes became crescent moons again, and he said simply without talking nonsense to them.

"Okay, after three days, we will hold a banquet for you to practice." Chang Wanfa and Qiuqian Jianxin finally came back to reality, and said joyfully.

"Thank you two senior brothers for their generosity today. I will cook myself and accompany the two senior brothers for a few drinks. We won't go home until we're drunk." Luo Enen said proudly.

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Chang Qiu and the two immediately changed drastically. If Luo Enen just bought a drink, they would have wished for it, and it happened to be a celebration wine, but the problem is that she still has to cook herself, and they are about to finish the job. I don't want extreme joy to beget sorrow.

"Junior Sister, prepare well, we will leave first, by the way, this time we have really emptied our bottom line, you must not waste any more money." I worriedly told Luo Enen , Chang Qiu and the two left Qingxi Valley as if fleeing.

At this time, they would never have thought that their nightmare was still not over.

"Little uncle, are you really going to leave in three days? Sister Fenghua hasn't left the customs yet." Yu Le'er said to Luo Enen puzzled.

"I'm just talking. Of course we have to wait for Fenghua to leave the customs." Luo Enen said with narrowed eyes, "Let these two old men suffer."

When these two stinky old men gave her the map of Nanli's eight formations with ill intentions, they almost killed her and Gu Fenghua inside. The anger in her heart still hasn't subsided, how can I not toss these two stinky old men?

Han Yangshu and the others looked at each other, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads.

They all came to a conclusion, they must not offend the little uncle. Look at the two elders is the end.

Time passed in a hurry, and in the blink of an eye, three days passed.

Shengfa Peak and Chang Qiu sat opposite each other in the yard, sipping tea leisurely.

Last time, Luo Enen made it clear that he would leave Nanlizong in three days, instead of the ambiguous two or three days before, so the two of them had nothing to worry about.

"My lord, Junior Uncle Luo is asking to see you." A disciple stepped forward to report.

"Hahahaha, little junior sister has kept her promise this time, and she didn't say anything." Chang Wanfa was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said to Qiuqianjian with a smile.

"That's right, this little junior sister is not as unbearable as we thought." Qiu Qianjian also praised. Anyway, Lorne was about to leave soon, and he took light of the unhappiness in the past.

"Let's go, although she is a junior sister, we are the host when we come to Shengfa Peak, and she is a guest. We must not lose our courtesy. Let's go to greet her." After Chang Wanfa said, he got up and walked out.

Qiu Qianjian also followed, the host-guest ceremony was secondary, the key was that they couldn't wait to send Lonen away, and they didn't want to delay for a moment.

"By the way, aren't Han Yangshu and the others here?" After walking a few steps, Qiu Qianjian turned his head and asked again. Now when he saw Han Yangshu and the others, he felt embarrassed, and really didn't want to meet them face to face.

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