My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1656 It's Just Timely Rain

At this time, Gu Fenghua's voice not only showed exhaustion, but also his face seemed to be pale after recovering from an injury. Although she had already taken the Holy Pill, she wasted a lot during this time, and she had been injured badly before, so she hadn't fully recovered for a while.

"It's nothing, something went wrong, but it's all right now." Gu Fenghua said briefly.

"The tempering failed?" Lonen asked tentatively.

"Well, you also know how the spirit of the artifact of the Yaomu tripod came from. The Yaohun wood is worthy of being one of the eight great demon trees. Once it has been cast into the spirit of the artifact, it will be difficult to refine it again. My current The strength is still a little weaker, let's talk about it later when we reach the Heavenly Sacred Realm." Gu Fenghua said frankly, without feeling embarrassed.

"Is there no other way to wait until the Heavenly Sacred Realm?" Luo Enen said.

From the first day she met Gu Fenghua, she admired Gu Fenghua's heaven-defying aptitude. No matter what kind of problem, she would solve it easily in front of her. This was the first time she had seen her suffer such a setback. I figured it out, but I didn't feel anything, but Lornen always felt a little reconciled.

"It's not that there is no other way. Senior Gui Yezi first refined the Yaomu cauldron in the Tianji Continent, and the fine gold and mithril used was always a bit inferior. If you can find higher quality fine gold and mithril, the chance of success will increase." A lot more." In front of Luo Enen, Gu Fenghua has never concealed anything, and this time is no exception, after a pause, Gu Fenghua continued, "For example, what is the water and the moon flowing like sand, the cold crystal of the outer star... "

Beside, Han Yangshu and the others all stared wide-eyed. They have also heard of these fine gold and mithril, and they know how rare they are. Even the largest auction house in Lanshan City is hard to find them. Even if they are found, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen probably cannot afford them.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, let's think of a way later, maybe..." Gu Fenghua continued, but before she finished speaking, her eyes widened like Han Yangshu and the others.

"Water, moon, and sand, cold crystals from outer space... Enen, where did you find it?" Gu Fenghua looked at Luo Enen in surprise. This is just in time for rain.

"Didn't you just ask me what kind of rip-offs I took? This is what I rip-off from the two elder brothers." Luo Enen proudly recounted the great achievements he had made these days, and said it proudly The place even laughed out loud.

Gu Fenghua has devoted himself to tempering the Yaomu cauldron these days, but he didn't know that Luo Enen bullied the two elders like this. After listening to her words, his reaction was exactly the same as that of Han Yangshu and the others - silently mourning for the two elders .

"Fenghua, I'll give you these fine gold and mithril, and try again." Luo Enen stuffed those fine gold and mithrils to Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua nodded, and took it generously, without even saying a word of thanks. With the friendship between her and Luo Enen, it is superfluous to say anything, and everything is said. Say thank you instead.

Gu Fenghua returned to the room, adjusted his breath for a while, then took out the Yaomu tripod, took a deep breath and made the handprints again.

The weapon fire jumped like an elf, and the fine gold and secret silver melted quietly, turning into streams of light, pouring into the monster wood cauldron, and the golden runes that had not completely disappeared also shone brightly again...

"Okay, Fenghua is busy refining the Yaomu cauldron, so we can't be idle." As soon as Gu Fenghua left, Luo Enen was bored and said to Han Yangshu and the others.

"Little uncle, what do you want to do?" Han Yangshu and the others changed their expressions slightly when they heard this, and asked vigilantly. Why does the vest feel a little cold, and an ominous premonition is rising?

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