My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1657 people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong

"This time, I really promised Old Man Chang and Old Man Qiu. As soon as Fenghua leaves the customs, we will go to a school immediately. Once we leave, there will be no one to support you anymore. What if we are bullied by others? What to do?" Lonen looked at them with concern.

"No, little uncle, we are very popular in Nanli Sect. As long as the two elders don't give us little shoes to wear, no one will bully us." Yu Le'er said sweetly.

"Then how do you know that Old Man Chang and Old Man Qiu won't give you little shoes to wear? Besides, people's hearts will change. No one bullies you now, but people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong, unless you have been stagnant Don't compete with the world, otherwise you will offend others sooner or later, and someone will bully you." Luo Enen imitated Chang Wanfa and said earnestly. After a few times of talking with Chang Qiu, she didn't learn other skills, and this elder's airs are getting more and more full.

"Then, what does my little uncle think we should do?" There is nothing to be courteous about, rape or robbery!

Although Little Martial Uncle Luo's words were full of sincerity and were all utterances of truth, Han Yangshu and the others felt more and more uneasy the more they listened to them, and while asking with a forced smile, they backed away quietly.

"Rely on others, not on yourself. If you want to avoid being bullied, the best way is of course to improve your strength, and if you want to improve your strength, actual combat is the best shortcut!" Behind Lornen's friendly smile, finally revealed With ferocious fangs.

"Run!" Before the words finished, Yu Le'er screamed, and several figures rushed out as if fleeing for their lives.

"Don't run away, uncle, I'm doing it for your own good." Luo Enen slashed out with a sword, and several thunderbolts exploded above the heads of Han Yangshu and the others.

I saw a few people stagnate, with wisps of blue smoke coming out of their heads.

Then, there was a burst of chickens flying and jumping in the yard, and the long-lost howl sounded.


Time passed quickly, when Gu Fenghua opened the door again, it was already seven days later.

"What are you doing here?" As soon as he opened the door, Gu Fenghua saw Han Yangshu and the others lying on the ground with green smoke rising from his head and looking up at the blue sky, who wanted to cry without tears and live without love and pain, and Miss Luo who was contented and refreshed.

"Aren't we going to leave? I'm afraid they will be bullied in the future, so I want to do my job as an uncle, and no matter how hard I suffer, I will help them improve their cultivation." Miss Luo said righteously.

Next to them, Han Yangshu and the others wanted to say something, but they immediately received Lornen's warning eyes, and could only succumb to her "desire" and dared not say anything.

"By the way, Fenghua, have you mastered it this time?" Luo Enen looked back triumphantly, thinking of something, asked Gu Fenghua in anticipation and excitement.

"It's made, thanks to your fine gold and mithril." Gu Fenghua said.

Recalling the experience of these seven days, she herself couldn't help but sigh with emotion. The spirit of the artifact made from the demon soul wood is too powerful. It is still difficult to get up. If she hadn't obtained two phoenix powers and her divine sense was strong enough, she would have almost failed at the last moment.

"Let's take a look quickly." Lonen said excitedly. She has also been looking forward to this magical weapon, the Yaomu Ding, which is both powerful and defensive.

"Okay, I just want to go to a school, and you need to improve your strength, otherwise what will you do if you go and be bullied?" Gu Fenghua took out a pill furnace as he spoke.

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