My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1658 The way of heaven is reincarnation, who will the sky spare

This furnace is only half a foot high, obviously much smaller than the Yaomu Ding, but judging from the style and the rune formation on it, it is obviously a shrunken Yaomu Ding.

As expected of an artifact, after re-tempering, even its volume is much smaller than before, it looks so delicate, so antique.

However, Luo Enen was not in the mood to appreciate the artifact anymore, and looked at Gu Fenghua with vigilance.

"What do you think?" Gu Fenghua smiled slightly, and slowly raised the Yaomu tripod. This smile is full of kindness.

"No!" Lonen screamed, turned around and ran away. The voice and movement were exactly the same as when Yu Le'er saw her screaming and running away.

"Don't run away, I'm all for your own good. As the best friend, I want to do my best. No matter how hard and tiring I am, I will help you improve your cultivation." Gu Fenghua said, and Luo Enen It is impossible to refute the same righteous words as I said before.

"Help!" Then, the long-lost scream sounded again in the yard, but this time, it was not Han Yangshu and the others, but Luo Enen.

As for Han Yangshu and the others, they folded their hands on their chests and watched in leisure. It's refreshing in my heart. They were the ones who howled miserably before, but now it's the little uncle's turn. It's really a good reincarnation, the heavens spare no one.


The sky is high and the clouds are clear, the wind and the sun are beautiful. Early in the morning, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian went to Qingxi Valley beaming.

Today is the ten-day period that Luo Enen said. Anyway, they have even revealed their last cards. Delayed leaving until the last day.

They have read the almanac, today is the seventh day of the sixth month of the Wuji calendar, it is advisable to travel, get married, stay at home, and meet relatives and friends.

It's an auspicious day. When Luo Enen travels, they will meet relatives and friends. Once Luo En leaves, the suzerain of the Nanli Sect is naturally in their pocket. It is like entering a house, and Luo Enen is sent to a school palace , Just like her own daughter getting married, there is simply no better day than this.

I don't know if the old almanac should be understood in this way, anyway, the two of them are extremely comfortable, and even their steps are much lighter than usual.

"Little Junior Sister, are you there?" When they came to the door, the two straightened their holy robes and shouted while holding the air of an elder.

These days were really tossed by Luo Enen, and the two felt that the aura of the elder was much weaker than before. Seeing that Luo Enen was about to leave, it was time for them to regain the dignity of the elder as soon as possible.

As soon as the words were finished, the door suddenly opened, and a figure rushed out like a tiger on the mountain.

Startled, the two stepped back half a step, holding their swords sideways, and assumed a defensive posture.

But the person who came didn't do anything, but cheered: "Senior Brother Chang, Senior Brother Qiu, you guys, that's great, that's great."

The hearts of Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian sank instantly, as if they were sinking into the endless abyss, sinking, sinking again.

Just hearing the voice, they also knew that it was Luo Enen who rushed out of the room, but why was she so excited? Look at those tears-filled eyes that were almost crying with joy, it's even closer than seeing their own mother. They don't think when they got so close to Lornen.

Could it be that the treasures of heaven and earth given to her last time have been defeated again?

It's no wonder they think so, it's really that this cheating junior sister is too prodigal.

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