My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1659 happiness comes too fast

While the two were thinking wildly, Luo Enen had already rushed forward and grabbed their arms with such force, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw.

"Little Junior Sister, what do you want to do?" The two elders asked in trembling voices, only feeling terrified.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's great that you're here." Lonen said ecstatically.

"Junior Sister, just speak up if you have anything to say, we can bear it." Chang Wanfa swallowed a Tranquility Pill first, and then said with a sad face.

Next to him, Qiuqianjian held the hilt tightly in his hand, and was already thinking about whether to simply wipe his neck and settle it.

Although what Luo Enen said was nothing, they could already imagine what she was going to say next. It was nothing more than losing face by going to a school with no money left. It doesn't matter if you lose face. I'm sorry for master if you lose face of Nanlizong. The kindness of knowledge and encounter, in the future, they will all recite it when they come to Jiuquan and have no face to face the ancestors of the Nanli clan.

"It's really nothing. Are you here to see me off? Fenghua and I pack up and leave now." Luo Enen said almost impatiently.

"Uh..." Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian were taken aback at the same time. She was really ready to leave, did she think about it this time?

"Little Junior Sister, what's the matter with you?" After calming down, the two of them found that Luo Enen's hair was disheveled and the corners of his eyes were still a little bruised, and they couldn't help asking strangely.

"Hehe, I'm leaving now. I'm afraid that I'll be bullied if I go to a school for my lack of strength, so I want to improve my strength, so I specially competed with Fenghua." Luo Enen rubbed his eyes and glanced at Look in the courtyard.

In front of outsiders, Gu Fenghua still saves face for her, he has already put away the demon wooden tripod, and has returned to his harmless and gentle appearance.

It was only then that Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian suddenly realized that it was no wonder that Lonen was closer to them than his own mother when he saw them. It turned out that they were bullied and used them as a shield from swords and arrows.

How strong is this Gu Fenghua, who can bully Luo Enen into such a state? Looking at the bruise in the corner of Lonen's eye that hadn't completely gone away, the two of them were secretly startled again.

Last time in the two sects of discussion, in order to prevent Han Yangshu and Fang Yunan from perishing together, Gu Fenghua once made a move, but the strength of Han Fang and Fang was still a little too weak in comparison, and it was impossible to see from that sword. Gu Fenghua's true strength. But this time, Lornen was brutally bullied and used the two of them as a sword shield, but they witnessed it with their own eyes.

They have seen Luo Enen's strength for a long time. With the unique knowledge of the second stage of the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, his combat power is by no means inferior to many inner disciples. To be bullied like this, then Gu Fenghua's How strong should it be?

Of course, this question cannot be imagined out of thin air, and of course they will not be bored to try it out for themselves.

It was rare that Luo Enen decided to leave immediately under Gu Fenghua's bullying. At this time, something unexpected happened, wouldn't that make him feel uncomfortable? What's more, Luo Enen was being bullied, and the two of them felt relieved after thinking about it, so how could they be so kind as to stand up for her.

This Gu Fenghua is actually not useless. In a good mood, both of them felt pleasing to the eyes when they looked at Gu Fenghua.

"Junior Sister, do you really decide to leave?" After going through too many ups and downs and twists and turns, this time the reversal of happiness was too fast and sudden, Chang Qiu and the two couldn't believe it, and asked straight to the point.

"Let's go, right away." Lonen said without hesitation.

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