Fighting against Gu Fenghua in the past few days, her strength has improved a lot, but at the same time, she finally realized what it means to be in dire straits, what it means to have nothing to love in life, and she doesn't want to stay in Nanlizong for a day longer.

"Then I'll send someone to arrange a banquet for you right away!" Chang Wanfa said without hesitation.

"No need, it's not that I won't come back, I don't need to make such a big fuss, and besides, I don't like the pain of parting." Luo Enen waved his hand and said, leaving early to get out of the sea of ​​suffering. Luo Enen's thoughts now are surprisingly consistent with those of the two elders.

"That's fine, we'll personally send you out of the sect." Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian thought for a while and said in unison.

Originally, the two of them wanted to insist on setting up dozens of tables of practice wine, one to show their reluctance for their junior sister, and the other to drink the reluctant celebration wine to their heart's content, but when Luo Enen said that she didn't like parting After suffering, they immediately changed their minds.

In case Lonen was reluctant to leave after a few sips of wine, wouldn't that be shooting himself in the foot? Forget it, let's celebrate with the banquet at your own expense, don't think about taking advantage of the sect.

"Then you wait for a while, I'll pack up and leave." Luo Enen stopped dragging his feet this time, and walked towards the room after speaking.

"Yang Shu, Siqin, Lin Ye, Le'er, come here, I have something for you." While walking, Luo Enen said to Han Yangshu and the others, then turned to look at Chang Qiu and the others, " Elder Chang, Elder Qiu, after we leave, Yang Shu and the others will stay in Qingxi Valley, please take care of them and don't let them be bullied."

"Don't worry, little junior sister. After you leave, we will regard them as your personal disciples, and we will definitely support them more." Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian said.

As long as this scourge is willing to go away, nothing can be said. They have already started to plan how to compete with each other for the suzerain position in the next step, and they don't have time to pay attention to Han Yangshu and the others, just treat it as a favor and don't embarrass them.

"Om... Om... Om..." At this moment, at the foot of the mountain, there were a few rapid long chimes of ancient bells.

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's expressions changed at the same time, and the bell rang three times, which meant a warning. Only when foreign enemies invaded, the disciples of the sect would ring the alarm bell.

"What's going on here? There are foreign enemies invading the important place of our Nanli Sect!" Although Luo Enen has not been in Nanli Sect for a long time, she also knows what the long ringing of the alarm bell means. Said solemnly.

"Junior Junior Sister, clean up first, let's go and have a look." Chang Qiu and the others didn't dare to delay, and immediately rushed down the mountain.

"Let's go too." Luo Enen didn't listen to them, but followed closely with Han Yangshu and the others.

Although she doesn't have deep feelings for Nanli Sect, her master has treated her with great kindness. Now that Nanli Sect is invaded by foreign enemies, she still doesn't know what will happen. She will never stand by and watch, let alone walk away .

Gu Fenghua is also by her side. Speaking of which, she has benefited a lot from Nanli Sect. The reason why she can perfectly integrate the two phoenix powers is because of the top-quality scorpion in Nanli's Eight Arrays. The demon pill, the other seed of the Nine-Aperture Spiritual Heart Wood, also came from the Nanli Eight Formation Diagram, and the prescription of the Zhengyixuan God Pill, strictly speaking, was also obtained from the Nanli Sect. How could she stay out of the critical moment of Nanlizong's life and death?

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