My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1662 The one who came to rescue her was her sweetheart

"Shameless!" No matter how dull Chang Yingrong was, she could hear the frivolous meaning in his words. She was ashamed and angry, and didn't bother to care about his background, so she flew up and slashed out with a sword. .

This sword contained anger, but it was a bit stronger than the previous one, but the young man on the opposite side did not show any timidity. Then he drew out the long sword casually and picked it up.

This sword seems to be an understatement, extremely random, but it is extremely delicate, and it is on top of Chang Ying's sword.

Chang Yingrong's wrist went numb, the long sword flew out, but her feet couldn't hold back, and she continued to charge towards the young man.

"Hey, hey, I just said that I am worthy of me, but I didn't say that I will marry you soon. Why are you so eager to throw yourself into your arms?" The next moment, the young man had already grabbed her wrist and restrained her. Inhaling her holy spirit, he put an arm around her shoulder.

"Let go of me, let me go!" Chang Yingrong shouted angrily and anxiously.

"You threw yourself into your arms just now, why don't you refuse now, could it be that you can't molested me?" The young man put his arm around Chang Yingrong's shoulder and said with a smile on his face.

"Women, this kind of thing is not all about refusing or playing hard to get, but since she took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, son, don't be polite to her, why don't you take her back and make the house consummated first. "The companion behind the young man booed.

"Let go of me, or I'll kill you!" Although Chang Yingrong could hear the joke in the man's words, she had never been treated so frivolously at such a young age, so she shouted in panic at the same time, angry and anxious .

"I haven't passed the door yet, and I'm going to murder my husband. What's the matter when I pass the door, I have to take care of it!" The young man didn't take her words seriously at all, and there was a bit of evil in his eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Noticing the evil in his eyes, Chang Yingrong instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and asked uneasily.

"Tell me, what kind of family law should be used?" The young man turned his head and looked at the group of companions.

"One incense, one incense, one incense!" The group of companions booed again.

"Yes, let's smell one first, and then slowly adjust it after passing through the door." The young man pursed his lips as he spoke, and approached Chang Yingrong's face.

"Ah!" Chang Yingrong let out an earth-shattering scream.

I think her Chang family is also a well-known and famous family. After she joined the Nanli sect, because of Chang Wanfa's relationship, she was regarded by everyone as the girl of the sky. She has never been so humiliated.

At this moment, Chang Yingrong was so ashamed and indignant that she wished she could just hit her head to death, but she was restrained by the other party, and even death became a luxury, so she could only let the other party be frivolous.

"Stop!" At this moment, amidst the roar of anger, a vigorous figure leaped into the air, slashing at the young man with his long sword like a dragon flying out of the sea.

"Yang Shu!" Chang Yingrong turned her head and saw Han Yangshu. Although the handsome face looked a bit ferocious because of the anger, but in her eyes, it was so close, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw, and cheered in surprise. And her heart was even more excited, happy, and moved. In this crisis and embarrassment, the person who came to save her was her sweetheart.

Not far away were Chang Wanfa, Qiuqianjian, Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others who went down the mountain together.

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