When they arrived, they happened to see the young man belittled Chang Yingrong.

His precious niece was so insulted, Chang Wanfa was naturally furious. Although Qiuqianjian did not have the blood relationship with Chang Yingrong, but as an elder of the sect, he was also angry when he saw his younger generation being humiliated. Burning, he couldn't help but wanted to make a move, but when he took a closer look at the holy master's robe on the man, he was shocked at the same time, and he didn't make a move easily. On the contrary, Han Yangshu was filled with righteous indignation, the first one flew up and drew his sword to slash out.

"Wait!" Seeing Han Yangshu's sword slashing at the young man's head, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian both shouted in surprise.

But Han Yangshu moved too fast, there was no time to stop.

The young man's reaction was not slow. Seeing that Han Yangshu was approaching in a bad manner, he let go of Chang Yingrong and drew out his long sword again to face the long sword in Han Yangshu's hand.

However, he easily knocked down all the outer disciples of Nanli Sect, and then easily restrained Chang Yingrong. Obviously, he didn't pay attention to the strength of these disciples of Nanli Sect, and even underestimated Han Yangshu. This sword was still careless. Didn't try my best.

"Choke!" The two swords intersected, and a burst of energy exploded, and the young man flew out heavily.

"Yang Shu!" Chang Yingrong threw herself into Han Yangshu's arms as soon as her body softened, her heart was full of surprise and happiness, two lines of tears rolled down.

Being controlled by others before, her heart was ashamed, and she even made up her mind that if she was humiliated today, she would kill herself to prove her innocence. Who knew that at the critical moment, Han Yangshu would come to the rescue.

Seeing Han Yangshu's angry expression, she couldn't tell how excited and happy she was. At this moment, she was holding on to Han Yangshu, and she never wanted to let go.

Han Yangshu's face was flushed with shame, but seeing the tears in her eyes, he couldn't push her away anyway, so he could only spread his hands and let her hug tightly like an octopus.

"Young Master!" At the same time, the companion behind him turned pale with fright, and at the same time flew up to catch him.

Fortunately, Han Yangshu is not a reckless person, even when he was angry, he did not intend to kill, so he was not injured, but the blood in his chest was churning, his face was flushed, and his shiny hair was messed up Come down, looking extremely embarrassed.

"Who are you, how dare you attack me, Hua Mingyu? Don't you know how the word death is written?" The young man said angrily as soon as he fell to the ground.

"What a big tone, you trespassed on the important place of our Nanli Zongmen, and even injured my Zongmen's disciples, do you know how the death word dies!" Luo Enen said with a sneer.

The few outer disciples who were injured had also come to Qingxi Valley to listen to her explain the holy sword skills, and they had always been extremely respectful to her. At this time, as a master uncle, of course she wanted to stand up for the juniors.

"Dare to come to my Nanli sect to make trouble, it is clear that I don't take my Nanli sect seriously, why should my little uncle talk nonsense with him, just kill him."

"Yes, you dare to offend the majesty of our Nanli Sect, kill him, kill him!" At this time, other Nanli Sect disciples also rushed to the scene. Seeing the injured fellow fell to the ground, they were all furious, and some of them even He drew out his long sword and surrounded him.

As the saying goes, too many ants can kill an elephant. Although the young man and his companions are strong, they are not high enough to crush the disciples of the Nanli Sect at will. Show panic color.

"What do you want to do, do you know who I am?" The young man forced himself to calm down and shouted at the disciples of Nanli Sect around him.

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