My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1671 Make such a shameful move

"Chai Fubao, what are you doing? How dare you attack me? Don't you know how the word "death" is written!" This slap woke Hua Mingyu awake, got up, pointed at the mouth of the sausage and cursed.

This name is really worthy of the name, full of simple and rustic flavor.

"My lord, don't you know what happened just now? You," At this point, Sausage Mouth couldn't continue talking, and squatted on the ground and vomited wildly. Tongue kiss, it's disgusting, it's really disgusting.

"What did I do just now, where is Miss Ruhua?" Hua Mingyu suddenly felt something was wrong, looked at the roaring pig next to him, and then at the sausage mouth spitting out in front of him, as if thinking of something, his face became pale Pale.

"Young master, you are so worried about him, he is very happy, but can you say it first next time, so that he can prepare himself." At this time, the mouth of the sausage was almost vomited. Wiping his mouth, he said shyly.

"Wow..." Looking at the sausage mouth, Hua Mingyu also vomited wildly. Tongue kiss, it was a tongue kiss just now, it's really disgusting.

The surrounding Nanli Sect disciples couldn't hold back anymore, they leaned forward and laughed loudly. Looking at Gu Fenghua's eyes, there is also a little more awe.

Anyone who is not a fool can think that the reason why Hua Mingyu made such a shameful move must be Gu Fenghua's tricks. Although it has long been known that Gu Fenghua is not that simple, no one would have thought that she would have such a unique skill.

Looking at Hua Mingyu who was still vomiting violently, even Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian felt chills in their hearts. Fortunately, they kept restraint and did not confront Gu Fenghua head-on, otherwise...the two looked at each other , Looking at the other person's mouth, there was another burst of nausea.

No one noticed that a little fox was sticking its head out of Gu Fenghua's arms, looking at Hua Mingyu with an anthropomorphic smirk on its face, Gu Fenghua slapped it, and immediately shrank back to the cloud, Three furry tails flashed by.

Juju, who has grown three tails, even Gu Fenghua himself did not expect that after absorbing the power of the beast hidden in the body of Jiaojiao, the strength of the little fox has increased greatly, and the magical power of illusion has made great progress , even Hua Mingyu's mind is controlled by it. She could tell that although Hua Mingyu was a dandy who was addicted to sex and sex, after all, his family background was there, and his cultivation was not inferior to Han Yangshu's.

"Gu Fenghua, it's you, you must be the one who bullied me! I, Hua Mingyu, think that you are the blessing you have cultivated almost all your life, how dare you treat me like this!" Hua Mingyu finally vomited and straightened up Pointing at Gu Fenghua and roaring angrily.

Of course he can think of things that other people can think of.

The only son of the dignified seventh elder of Shuiyunzong actually confessed his love to a roaring pig, and even kissed such a big and thick sausage, he was completely humiliated for the rest of his life! All of this was thanks to Gu Fenghua, he hated Gu Fenghua to the bone.

The more Hua Mingyu talked, the more angry she was, she drew out her long sword and slashed towards Gu Fenghua.

Gu Fenghua glanced at him contemptuously, the finger that had already held the hilt of the sword moved slightly, and the divine sword wrapped in silk cloth had already crossed the sky.

"Crack!" The next moment, the scabbard, which was stronger than fine steel, slapped him hard on the face with Huamingyu's sword light.

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