My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1672 pull out the young master

"Aww..." Hua Mingyu's cheeks swelled instantly, and she flew out howling miserably.

The gentleman's followers flew up at the same time, catching Hua Mingyu with all their might.

"Gu Fenghua, you still dare to fight back, let me show you my Shuiyunzong's unique skill-Shuipoyunlong!" Hua Mingyu roared furiously as soon as he landed, and then unleashed his sword and attacked again .

It has to be said that Hua Mingyu's family has a long history, and his strength is indeed good. Gu Fenghua's sword did not seriously injure him, and the subsequent move of "Shui Po Yun Long" was also full of momentum.

I saw the sword glow dancing, and a water-blue halo spread over, unexpectedly condensed a black dragon, and the water-colored sword light spewed out of its mouth was like a waterfall pouring from the sky.

However, he obviously overestimated his own Shui Yunzong's unique skills, and also underestimated Gu Fenghua's strength.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" As the long sword in Gu Fenghua's hand was displayed again, the sky suddenly blew up, and the sound of the wind whistling was like a demon god weeping.

"Crack!" With almost no strength to resist, the blue dragon was split open, turned into a mist and disappeared with the wind, and Hua Mingyu was blown away again.

Such a strong strength! Finally seeing Gu Fenghua's attack officially, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's eyes widened at the same time, and they almost exclaimed.

The other disciples have limited understanding of Shuiyun Sect, maybe they don't know how powerful the Shui Breaking Cloud Dragon is, but as elders, they know it all too well.

Hua Mingyu's sword, not to mention the outer disciples of the Nanli Sect, even the inner disciples were difficult to resist. Even a genius disciple like Han Yangshu who relied on the Nine Heavens Illusory Thunder Sword to make a big splash might not have a fair face-to-face confrontation. Is his opponent.

But Gu Fenghua only used one sword, such an understatement, to defeat Hua Mingyu.

Although both of them barely reached the realm of heavenly sages, but if you ask yourself, even if it is them, it may not be so easy for them to defeat Gu Fenghua.

No one expected that Gu Fenghua's strength would be so powerful, even Shui Poyunlong, the top student of Shuiyunzong, would be so vulnerable in front of her, that Yu Huamingyu's followers didn't have time to rescue her, they were stunned and stared blankly. Watching him fall like a meteor, the most terrifying thing is that his head is still facing down.

With a muffled bang, half of Hua Mingyu's body plunged into the soil, leaving only two legs outside, kicking, kicking, kicking like a frog...

"My lord!" The group of disciples woke up with a start and rushed up in a swarm.

Sausage Mouth was the first to strike, hugging Hua Mingyu's legs and pulling them out.

"What are you doing?" The companion next to him grabbed him.

"Pull out the young master." Sausage Mouth was taken aback, and replied honestly.

"Is your life still alive if you pull out the son like this? Are you not afraid of pulling out the son's head?" The companion said worriedly.

"Probably not, that's how we pull radishes and green onions in our village." Sausage Mouth said with a simple and honest face.

"But, sir, is it a radish or a green onion?" The companions around were all covered in cold sweat.

"Then, let's dig out the young master. I think that's how people pick wild ginseng." Sausage Mouth said and started digging. Not too bad, the status of Mr. Hua has risen sharply, from carrots and green onions to the level of wild ginseng.

Others also started their hands one after another, for fear of hurting Hua Mingyu, they didn't dare to use swords, they could only use their hands, and naturally they couldn't get up to speed. I can't move anymore.

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