My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1673 I Didn't Expect You To Be So Arrogant

A follower disciple hurriedly took out the holy pill and handed it to Hua Mingyu's mouth, but his lips were biting tightly, his face turned blue, and he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

"It's not good, the young master has held his breath for too long, we have to breathe out for him first." Someone in the crowd said.

"I'll do it!" Sausage Mouth wiped his mouth and leaned forward skillfully. He has experience in this matter and is familiar with it.

"Wow..." Seeing the small half of the tongue sticking out from the sausage mouth, everyone around them vomited again.

"Wow..." Hua Mingyu, who had just gritted her teeth and couldn't open her mouth, also vomited.

He opened his mouth, his breath circulated, and his face finally looked a little better. Of course, he didn't need to breathe again.

"Oh, what a pity." Sausage Mouth said with regret.

What he said was a pity, and he meant that he missed this great opportunity to save the young master and make his way to the top, but it was obviously not the case when he heard it from other people's ears. As soon as the words fell, the surrounding people vomited even more violently.

"Let's do it together, kill her, kill her for me!" Hua Mingyu spit out a few times, finally regained her breath, sat up and yelled at Gu Fenghua.

This time, his injury was obviously not serious, and he fell on his back just after shouting this sentence, just pointing at Gu Fenghua's finger and trembling with anger.

"Let's go together, kill her, and avenge the young master." Seeing that he was so angry, the disciples around him dared not push him away, they pulled out their long swords together and rushed towards Gu Fenghua.

"Many people bully few people? I really think that Nanli Sect is easy to bully!" Luo Enen laughed and drew out his long sword. Naturally, Han Yangshu and the others were no exception, and even the Nanli Sect disciples all around at the same time He drew out his long sword and prepared to do it.

This Hua Mingyu, trespassing on the Nanli Sect's important place, even wounded the sect's disciples, belittled Chang Yingrong, even wanted to get involved with Luo Enen and Gu Fenghua, and didn't take them seriously at the Nanli Sect Here, they have put up with him for a long time.

Seeing this, Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian's expressions changed drastically. Hua Mingyu is the only son of Hua Qianyuan, the seventh elder of Shuiyunzong, if there is something wrong, how will they explain to Shuiyunzong.

But this guy is too arrogant and arrogant, and has aroused public anger. If Gu Fenghua didn't do it, they could still suppress the disciples, but when she did it, everyone's long-suppressed anger broke out at the same time. I couldn't hold back anymore.

Fortunately, just when Luo Enen and others were about to make a move, Gu Fenghua raised his hand and said calmly, "You are not allowed to make a move!"

Anyway, she is not from the Nanli sect, so she moved as soon as she started, the world is big, what can the Shuiyun sect do to her?

But the Nanli sect is different, the monk can't escape the temple if he can run away, if he breaks face with the Shuiyun sect, he's afraid there will be endless troubles.

Since she got so many benefits from Nanlizong, she will solve this trouble.

While speaking, Gu Fenghua was already walking towards the other party with relaxed steps, like strolling in a courtyard. Luo Enen and the others have always followed her lead. Although they were unwilling, they still put their swords back into their sheaths and did not make a move.

Seeing that Gu Fenghua actually stopped other people from attacking, he came up to greet him alone, Hua Mingyu and his gang of followers were overjoyed. How powerful is it? If there are too many ants, it can kill an elephant!

"Gu Fenghua, I didn't expect you to be so arrogant. Okay, okay, let's see how you beg for mercy and lick my toes." Hua Mingyu's eyes showed a crazy and perverted grin, even Already imagined the appearance of Gu Fenghua kneeling in front of him begging bitterly.

Unfortunately, he thought too much, really thought too much.

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