Although relying on the protection of his disciples, he has not suffered secondary injuries from a few bear children, but he saw others being torn apart by the vines, their faces were blooming by the little fox, and they were slapped by the little bear cub. The miserable scene of spitting blood was still so frightened that he almost lost his wits.

"Let's go, let's go quickly." Hua Mingyu crawled out of the crowd with both hands and feet, and ran desperately towards Nanli Zong's gate. At that speed, he wished that his old mother would give him eight legs.

A disciple of the fifth grade and the third grader followed him loyally, it was the sausage mouth.

Although the speed of the two was very fast, one of them moved faster. Before the two could rush out of the mountain gate, Gu Fenghua stood in front of them.

That slender figure is still so graceful and beautiful, and that delicate face is still so pretty and moving, but Hua Mingyu no longer has any intention of admiring it, only feels that her scalp is numb and her heart is constantly falling. into the ice valley.

"You...don't do anything. My father is Hua Qianyuan, the seventh elder of Shuiyun Sect. If you dare to touch a single hair of my hair, my father will never let you go." Hua Mingyu said fiercely, The voice was trembling constantly.

"Really, but I have already moved, so what should I do?" Gu Fenghua pretended to be worried, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and said, "Anyway, your father will not let me go, anyway. If it’s death, why don’t you just drag your back first, at least you won’t suffer, right?”

While speaking, Gu Fenghua had already raised his long sword again. She has seen too many skills like fighting father in Xinghua Capital, so how could she be frightened by Hua Mingyu's few words.

Either don't do it, and since you do it, then don't look forward and backward, otherwise you will only be controlled by others, and you will die a miserable death in the end. This is the consistent principle of the Fifth Miss of the Gu family.

What is this, broken jar? As the saying goes, those who are arrogant are afraid of being stunned, and those who are stunned are afraid of dying. Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Hua Mingyu's face turned paler.

"Young master, hurry up, I'll block her." At this moment, Sausage Mouth stepped in front of Hua Mingyu and shouted loudly. The face is full of the tragic and heroic determination that the wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return.

"Fubao..." Lu Yao knows horsepower, sees people's hearts over time, and shows his true feelings in times of crisis. At this moment, Hua Mingyu was moved to tears by Sausage Mouth's loyalty to protect each other to the death, choked up and couldn't speak.

"Son, don't say anything, as long as you remember, remember the good memories between us." Sausage Mouth was also moved by the tears in Hua Mingyu's eyes, turned his head, and said, licking his lips. Those small slit eyes were full of affection, and even the huge upturned rosaceous nose was extremely bright red, extremely dazzling.

"Wow..." Hua Mingyu bent over, squatted on the ground and vomited again.

He decided not to run away, let Gu Fenghua beat him to death.

Gu Fenghua shivered coldly, the hairs on his arms stood on end, it was also extremely numb. Before she spit it out, she kicked the sausage mouth back with her left foot, and kicked Hua Mingyu back with her right foot.

With two muffled bangs, Hua Mingyu and Sausage Mouth fell into the crowd again. The three brats who were happily ravaging the disciples of the Shuiyun Sect realized that someone had slipped out of their noses without paying attention, and they were furious for a while.

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