My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1676 Doesn't your conscience hurt?

Relying on the power of the divine beasts hidden in the body of Jiao Jiao, their strength has greatly increased, and they are thinking of showing off in front of Gu Fenghua to please her. These two guys are so uncooperative and disrespectful. Are they ashamed?

It was rare for the three brats to act in unison, and at the same time they rushed towards Hua Mingyu and Sausage Mouth angrily.

"Oh..." Then, the screams at the foot of the mountain became even more tragic.

As a result, apart from the initial shock, the faces of the Nanli Sect disciples around them were a little more frightened, even Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian were no exception.

If the three brats still retained a bit of restraint in the first attack, then after being ignited, the natural ferocity of the monster was undoubtedly exposed.

I saw vines falling down on Hua Mingyu and Sausage Mouth's body like a storm, and every time the fine needle slashed, it would bring out a mist of flesh and blood. In just a moment, the two of them were completely exhausted. .

Although the fighting power of the little fox is obviously not as good as that demon plant, but the two paws are swiping as fast as lightning. With a left scratch and a right scratch, soon, the two people's faces are covered with bloodstains beyond recognition. My mother couldn't even recognize who it was.

Speaking of it, the gentlest one was actually the bear cub who hit hardest before. I saw this guy walking around Hua Mingyu and the sausage mouth, but it was rare for him to make a move.

It turns out that monsters are not completely heartless. Everyone secretly sighed, looking at this naive little bear cub, he also thinks it is much cuter... Wait, it seems that I missed something?

If you look closely, everyone has a black line. Although that guy seldom moves his hands, he moved his feet. I saw him turning around Hua Mingyu and the sausage mouth. From time to time, he pretended to be careless and kicked him. , either the vital point between the two people's legs, or the hidden place behind, in short, besides Xiasanlu, it is Xiasanlu.

You're kind, what kind of fart, it turns out that this guy is the most insidious and vicious.

What kind of vicious master does it take to domesticate such a vicious pet? Everyone looked at Gu Fenghua involuntarily.

"It's too fierce, it's too cruel, what a cute little guy before, why did he become so violent, and who did he learn from?" Gu Fenghua noticed the eyes of everyone, and he was so sad that he almost beat his chest and stamped his feet.

Luo Enen touched the corners of his eyes that were still aching, and rolled his eyes fiercely: Who did you learn from? Who do you think you learned from? Also, don't think I didn't see it, when those two feet went down just now, you have already sealed the blood of others, otherwise they could be abused so badly? The real most ruthless ones are actually not them, but you.

I'm shameless, I know I admit it, but it's too much for you shameless to not admit it, and you're just throwing the blame away. Will your conscience not ache?

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian also heard Gu Fenghua's words, and the corners of their mouths twitched violently again. With their strength, they can certainly discover the little secrets that Luo Enen can discover.

The two were thankful again, fortunately, they hadn't confronted Gu Fenghua head-on before. Just imagine, they couldn't even deal with Luo Enen, who was just a little bit shameless, and Gu Fenghua, who was even more shameless than her, they might not even know how he died.

"Master Elder, why don't you tell Uncle Gu, let them stop, I'm afraid it won't end if you continue fighting like this." Seeing the atrocities of the three brats, a mature and prudent inner disciple trembled Said.

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