My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1677 The Old One Comes After Hitting the Younger One

"Forget it, let her go, anyway, she is not from our Nanli Sect." Chang Wanfa said with a sigh.

It would be too late to stop it from the beginning, but now that Hua Mingyu has been tortured beyond recognition, what's the point of stopping it? Anyway, the feud is settled, so why not seek happiness?

Hua Mingyu was too arrogant, too arrogant, he didn't pay attention to Nanli Sect, let alone the two elders of their skills, if it wasn't for the sake of the overall situation, they would have taken action to teach them a lesson. Now that Gu Fenghua is doing it for him, they are happy to see the result, and they feel extremely happy.

Moreover, Gu Fenghua had already made it clear that she was solely responsible for this matter, and had nothing to do with Nanlizong, so why should they bother, let's continue to have fun.

"Stop!" There was a thunder-like roar from the sky, and a half-century-old man in his fifties flew over from the sky, and at the same time, a powerful aura surged from him, and the disciples of Nanli Sect gathered around couldn't help but take a few steps back.

This old man is not weak! Gu Fenghua was startled, and hurriedly shouted, "Qijian, Hei Yao, Juju, come back!"

Monster beasts have a sharper intuition for danger than humans, and the three bear children also felt the strength of the coming person. With a flash of their figures, they hid in the monster pet space without hesitation.

The next moment, the half-hundred old man had already floated down. Although this person is not young, but he is tall and mighty, just standing there, he exudes a wild air that looks down on the world.

"Ming Yu, where is Ming Yu?" The old man glanced around among the group of Shuiyun Sect disciples who were covered in bruises and bruises, and called out loudly.

"Father, help, dad..." As soon as he finished speaking, a pig's head with a bruised nose, a swollen face, scratch marks beyond recognition, threw itself into his arms, crying loudly.

"Ming Yu, it's you, Ming Yu, how did you get hurt like this? Who hurt you, who is it?" The old man held Hua Ming Yu's face in his hands and shouted furiously.

It turned out that this person was Hua Qianyuan, the seventh elder of Shuiyun Sect. In fact, Hua Mingyu was standing in front of him just now, but he didn't recognize him in a daze. He was beaten into such a face that even his own father couldn't recognize him.

"Father, you want to avenge me, avenge me." Hua Mingyu cried out of breath, rolled her eyes, and passed out just like that.

Next to him, several Shuiyunzong disciples who survived the catastrophe quickly picked him up.

"Who is it, who is it that hurt my family Mingyu!" Hua Qianyuan clenched his fists tightly, dancing furiously in a holy robe with no wind, his appearance was extremely terrifying.

"Elder Hua is here. We have never greeted you from far away. Forgive me." Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian squeezed smiles, cupped their hands and said to Hua Qianyuan. Unexpectedly, Hua Qianyuan would come so soon, both of them were at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

"Hehe, the two elders are not small, they actually taught me a lesson from the Shuiyun Sect." Hua Qianyuan didn't give them any face at all, and said with a cold face.

"Misunderstandings are all misunderstandings." Chang Qiu and the two said with smiles while wiping off cold sweat.

Hua Qianyuan kept silent about his son, and only said that the people of Shuiyunzong were clearly using Shuiyunzong to put pressure on them.

If you put it tens of thousands of years ago, as the elder of the Nanli Sect, how could you put a mere Shuiyun Sect in your eyes, but there are so many ifs in the world, and the Nanli Sect today really cannot afford to offend the Shuiyun Sect . Even if Hua Qianyuan made it clear that he would not give them face, they could only bear it.

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