My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1678 It's too late to leave now

"Misunderstanding? You Nanli Sect beat my Shuiyun Sect members like this, and you have the face to say that you misunderstood!" Hua Qianyuan turned cold and said sarcastically.

"Elder Hua, this matter is really a misunderstanding. The person who did it is actually..." Seeing Hua Qianyuan's unfriendly expression, Chang Qiu and the two of them broke into a cold sweat, wanting to quickly throw Gu Fenghua out , but before others started formally threatening, I couldn't wait to get rid of the relationship, so it might not be too embarrassing.

After all, no matter who made the move, what happened today was ultimately caused by the Nanli sect. As elders, they can't act too cowardly when facing the elders of another sect. Otherwise, how can they behave in front of the following disciples Can you hold your head up? So when it came to the end, the two hesitated to speak, and inevitably got entangled.

"I'm the one who did it, I'm not a disciple of Nanli Sect." Seeing that Chang Qiu and the two were not as unbearable as he imagined, and they still had a bit of dignity as the elders of Nanli Sect, Gu Fenghua's impression of them changed somewhat, and he also Not wanting to entangle them, he took a step forward and said bluntly.

"Who are you!" Hua Qianyuan noticed Gu Fenghua only now, and said with a serious face.

"Gu Fenghua!" Gu Fenghua said calmly, "I am not a disciple of Nanli Sect, and this matter has nothing to do with Nanli Sect. If you want revenge, just find me."

According to Gu Fenghua's original idea, just clean up Hua Mingyu and leave immediately. Shuiyunzong is just a middle-grade sect, and Hua Qianyuan is just a seventh elder. In the end, there are no tigers and monkeys to dominate the mountains. As long as you leave The sphere of influence of Shuiyunzong, what can they do to her?

But she didn't expect Hua Qianyuan to come so fast.

It is obviously too late to leave now. Since she decided to bear the consequences from the very beginning, it is impossible for her to drag Nanlizong into the water at this time. Isn't that a scam?

"Yes, yes, she is not a disciple of our Nanli Sect. This matter has nothing to do with our Nanli Sect." Seeing that Gu Fenghua took the initiative to stand up, both Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian were relieved, and quickly echoed.

After he finished speaking, he noticed that the disciples around him looked at him strangely, with surprise, disappointment, and deep contempt.

"However, although Gu Fenghua did this, Nephew Huaxian is also at fault. If it wasn't for him..." Only then did the two realize that they were still too urgent and acted too cowardly in front of Hua Qianyuan. Immediately help Gu Fenghua explain.

"Shut up!" Hua Qianyuan shouted loudly, interrupting their words directly.

Chang Qiu and the two were shocked, and they were so frightened that they shrank their necks, unable to utter a single word after that.

"Gu Fenghua, how dare you hurt my Shuiyun Sect disciple, you obviously didn't take my Shuiyun Sect seriously, today I will make you pay with blood, abolish your cultivation, and make it impossible for you to survive or die "Hua Qianyuan stared at Gu Fenghua, gritted his teeth, and then gave Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian a cold look, "Also, you didn't stop her from committing murder in your Nanli sect. Nanlizong can't get rid of the relationship, and he must give me an explanation!"

"Elder Hua, she has already said that this matter has nothing to do with my Nanli Sect. It was all done by her alone. If you don't believe me, you can also ask your disciples. How can you ask us to explain it to you? ?" Chang Qiu and the two were in a hurry, and they couldn't care less about face, so they quickly argued.

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