My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1679 It turns out that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked

"No need to talk nonsense, today's matter, you must give me an explanation to Shui Yunzong!" Hua Qianyuan said domineeringly.

"Then what do you want to explain?" Seeing that he was being unforgiving, Chang Qiu and the two were also a little angry.

"Didn't your Nanli Sect never elect a new suzerain? My Shuiyun Sect, Hua Mingyu, has excellent qualifications and good conduct. I intend to worship under your Nanli Sect, inherit the position of suzerain, and carry forward Nanli Sect. I don't know. What do the two elders think?

Of course, you don't have to agree, but I'm afraid it won't be so easy to let others commit murder and injure my disciples of the Shuiyun Sect. "Hua Qianyuan threatened nakedly.

"What?" As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked, and Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian were even more stunned.

After arguing for a long time, Hua Qianyuan turned out to be planning to be the suzerain of the Nanli Sect. They thought that Luo Enen's lion's mouth was wide enough, but now they know what a real lion's mouth is. What is the real wolf ambition. They are also very talented and have excellent conduct. Thinking of Hua Mingyu's previous words and deeds, the two of them felt numb in their hands and feet. Keep the clear name left by the ancestors.

The two were startled and angry, trembling with anger, and couldn't say a word for a while.

Not to mention that Chang Qiu and the two were shocked and angry, seeing Hua Qianyuan's arrogance and domineering, even Gu Fenghua couldn't help being filled with righteous indignation. It's no wonder that Hua Mingyu is so arrogant and arrogant. The eldest son of heaven and earth is the biggest. It turns out that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

In any case, she has received great benefits from Nanli Sect, and she once lived and died side by side with the Supreme Elder Zhong Nantian. Luo Enen is also a true disciple of Nanli Sect, how could she see Nanli Sect Being bullied like this?

"Hua Qianyuan, even if you want to snatch Nanlizong's ten thousand-year foundation by chance, you should avenge your precious son first. Don't you think it's too early to make Nanlizong's idea now? Is it?" Gu Fenghua said sarcastically.

"Little bitch, I wanted you to let me live happily for a few more moments. Since you are so anxious to seek death, then let it be as you wish." Hua Qianyuan sneered and slapped it out.

"Be careful!" Seeing that Hua Qianyuan acted so simply, he would do it as soon as he said he would do it, and he didn't even give Gu Fenghua a chance to explain, all the disciples of Nanli Sect around him exclaimed in unison.

"One sword, weeping ghosts and gods!" Gu Fenghua was already prepared, and the long sword slashed head-on.

"Boom!" Amidst the muffled sound, Gu Fenghua had already been sent flying with his sword.

And between Hua Qianyuan's eyebrows, a purple holy bead appeared!

All around, there was a sound of exclamation. The first rank of Tianpin is worthy of being the seventh elder of Shuiyun Sect, and Hua Qianyuan is also a strong first rank of Tianpin.

Although Gu Fenghua has already shown a surprisingly strong strength and has three sturdy monster pets to help out, how can he possibly compete with a strong man in the realm of heavenly sages. Heavenly Sage and Profound Sage, that is a gap in realm.

Thinking of this, everyone is worried.

No one noticed that Han Yangshu and Zhou Siqin were both surprised when Gu Fenghua made a move with the sword. Gu Fenghua's sword skills are still the one they have seen before, but why does it feel much weaker than before?

Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian also showed doubts on their faces. Compared with the disciples below, they are stronger and have better eyesight. When they saw Gu Fenghua make a move just now, they sighed secretly.

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