She thought that Gu Fenghua was so injured, and seeing her great strength again, she should admit her mistake and beg for mercy, but she didn't expect her to be so stubborn. Such a willingness to die rather than submit, even he appreciates it a little.

However, his precious son was hurt so badly by her, there was no way he would let her go just because of this little appreciation.

As soon as the words fell, Hua Qianyuan slapped out again. Previously, Gu Fenghua's strength was not damaged at all, and he couldn't stop the power of his palm. Now he was seriously injured, and of course it was impossible to be his opponent. However, Hua Qianyuan didn't want to kill her so quickly, so this palm was an understatement. , the power is a bit smaller than before.

Of course, in his view, with Gu Fenghua's current injuries, even if he only used 30% of his strength, it was enough to abolish her cultivation and make her regret it for the rest of her life.

"Uncle Gu!" Seeing that Gu Fenghua was about to fall under Hua Qianyuan's hands, more than a dozen Nanli Sect disciples couldn't hold back any longer and held the hilt of their swords at the same time.

But before they could draw out their long swords, they stopped at the same time, and just looked at Gu Fenghua with surprise and doubt.

Although the blood on the corner of his mouth was still wet, Gu Fenghua's face was full of smiles, so confident, so radiant, without the slightest slump after a serious injury.

On the opposite side, Hua Qianyuan's expression suddenly changed. He suddenly found that Gu Fenghua at this time was obviously different from before.

Could it be that she was actually hiding her strength just now? In any case, he is also a strong man in the realm of heavenly sages, and Hua Qianyuan has experienced many battles. As soon as he senses something is wrong, he immediately circulates the holy energy with all his strength, trying to protect his whole body.

It's a pity that it's too late to react now. Before he could unleash the holy energy, Gu Fenghua's long sword wrapped in thick silk cloth had already arrived in front of him.

The divine light suddenly appeared, and the phantom image of the palm wind that Hua Qianyuan took lightly, shattered in an instant, and the long sword fell heavily on his chest without losing momentum.

"Pfft!" Hua Qianyuan spurted blood wildly, and was sent flying by Gu Fenghua's sword.

"What a cunning girl, so you have been hiding your strength!" Hua Qianyuan forcibly swallowed the blood that kept pouring into his throat, cursing angrily, while reaching out to draw his long sword.

However, before his fingers touched the hilt of the sword, he suddenly felt a tightness in his arm, and then, there was a tingling pain like a needle, and then, there was a burst of paralysis!

poisoned! Hua Qianyuan looked down, and saw a green vine tightly entangled her arm, and the steel needle-like sharp thorns pierced deeply into the body, and the green venom was injected into the meridians at a speed visible to the naked eye .

Isn't this just Gu Fenghua's monster plant, but just now he was seriously injured and collapsed on the ground, and he convulsed like that, how could he still have the strength to fight again!

All of a sudden, Hua Qianyuan was at a loss in his mind.

Before he could figure out what was going on, the little bear cub that had spewed blood like a flood burst appeared in front of him out of nowhere, and slapped his chest with a bear paw.

At the critical juncture, Hua Qianyuan finally regained a trace of sobriety, ignored the demon plant, and used his holy energy to protect the vitals on his chest. However, as soon as he thought about it, the three-tailed fox who was lying on the ground, whose life and death were unknown, appeared in front of his eyes again, and his two eyes almost came close to his eyes.

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