Hua Qianyuan didn't think much about it, and instinctively looked towards those two fox eyes, and after just one glance, his mind suddenly relaxed, as if he had fallen into a sweet dream, and the holy energy that was halfway running also stagnated.

"Bang!" There was hardly any hindrance, and a bear paw from Little Bear Cub had already slapped him hard on the chest.

"Pfft!" Hua Qianyuan spat out a mouthful of blood again, and flew out like a kite with a broken string.

All around, Nanli Sect disciples were all stunned, even Chang Wanfa and Qiuqianjian were no exception.

I thought that after the Three Swords, Hua Qianyuan would never be merciful again, and would definitely leave Gu Fenghua with a painful lesson that he would never forget, but who knew that after the Three Swords, it was Gu Fenghua who taught Hua Qianyuan a lesson—— The mighty man in the heavenly sage realm was smitten with blood by a holy master of the Xuansheng level. Such a painful lesson is enough for Hua Qianyuan to remember for a lifetime.

On the other hand, Han Yangshu and the others were thoughtful, and seemed to understand what had happened, and Luo Enen laughed so hard that his branches trembled wildly.

Although she had already guessed what Gu Fenghua was up to, she was still extremely excited and excited to see a strong man in the celestial sage realm being tricked by Gu Fenghua.

Before Chang Wanfa, Qiuqianjian and the others figured out what was going on, the three brats rushed forward in a swarm.

However, before they came to Hua Qianyuan's side, he drew out his long sword and slashed head-on.

"Be careful!" Han Yangshu and the others subconsciously shouted.

Don't look at Hua Qianyuan being repelled by Gu Fenghua's sword, but Tiansheng is Tiansheng, not just a few underage monsters who can bully at will.

But their reminders are obviously superfluous, how alert the three bear children are, and how keen the monster's natural intuition for danger is, and before Hua Qianyuan can pull out the sword, they have already started to flash Man—oh no, it's a flash demon.

I saw a green glow, a black shadow, and a red light flying back, passing by the sword glow that Hua Qianyuan cut out.

"Gu Fenghua, are you cheating?" Hua Qianyuan didn't chase after him, but wiped the blood from his mouth and said, that old face was distorted by anger, and looked even more gloomy.

"Did you just understand? It's not just me, my pets are also cheating." Seeing Hua Qianyuan's angry eyes that could kill people, Gu Fenghua said sarcastically without any fear.

While speaking, several brats had retreated to her side.

In order to prove Gu Fenghua's words, Jianjian fell to the ground very cooperatively, and saw a small white flower that looked like a remnant lotus that had been destroyed by a heavy rain, the petals were scattered, and the tender flower branches were still twitching and twitching stop.

The little bear cub squatted on the ground, took out a handful of bright red fruit from nowhere, chewed it a few times, mouthful after mouthful of "blood" gushed out like a flood that burst a bank.

In contrast, the little fox's acting skills are much weaker, and he doesn't have the basic training of an actor, so he just lay down on the ground with his tail spread out.

However, combined with that petite and weak figure, it also feels a bit miserable, and people can't help feeling pity-well, it must be admitted that although he does not have the basic cultivation of an actor, this little guy But it was the fifth young lady of the Gu family who got the essence of her acting skills the most. Once the performance started, she was so weak, so helpless, and so pitiful.

Gu Fenghua looked at Juju with distressed eyes. Oops, I really want to pick it up and touch it.

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