Seeing that the Seventh Elder had fled, the other Shuiyun Sect disciples didn't dare to stay, they fled like bereaved dogs. Anyway, these guys have been taught badly by the three brats before, but no one made it difficult for them and let them go.

However, although no one made it difficult for them, they themselves were frightened out of their wits by Gu Fenghua's strength and the ferocity of those three brats. Their noses and faces were bruised from the fall, and the unluckiest ones were trampled and screamed.

"Fenghua, what should we do now, do we still have to leave?" After a while, the howling sound gradually faded away, Luo Enen asked Gu Fenghua.

"Don't leave now, let's talk about it in two days." Gu Fenghua said decisively.

If Hua Qianyuan subdued and reconciled in public, this matter will be over. After all, he is the elder of Shuiyunzong, he can't live up to his words, but now Hua Qianyuan is beaten by her, but he is trying to surrender himself He didn't even bow his head in order to damage the spiritual roots. Not only did this matter not end, but it became more and more troublesome. If she is leaving now, isn't that Kengnan Lizong?

The person who tied the bell is needed to untie the bell. If this matter is to be resolved, it will eventually fall on her body, so she cannot leave.

"That's fine." Hearing Gu Fenghua's words, Luo Enen breathed a sigh of relief. She also knew that this matter had become a big deal. If Gu Fenghua left at this time, Nanlizong would have no way to explain to Shuiyunzong.

"Fenghua, no matter what happens, I will stand by your side and live and die together." Of course, Luo Enen also knew that if Gu Fenghua stayed, it meant that she would probably face the wrath of the entire Shuiyun Sect. So after finishing speaking, he took another step forward and stood firmly by Gu Fenghua's side.

"So do we. In a while, we will go to the two elders and ask them to expel us from the Nanli Sect. From then on, we will no longer be disciples of the Nanli Sect." Han Yangshu and the others also came to Gu Fenghua's side with a look Said absolutely. Being voluntarily expelled from the Nanli sect clearly made up his mind to live and die with Gu Fenghua.

"Don't worry so much. The Shuiyun sect has a history of tens of thousands of years. It can be passed down to today. It is not based on fighting and killing. No matter how angry you are, you may not fight to the death." The gaze, Gu Fenghua was secretly moved, and said with a relaxed face.

This is of course to comfort Han Yangshu and the others, not wanting them to worry too much.

After all, the Shuiyun Sect is now in full swing. It is not difficult to see the strength of the Shuiyun Sect from the arrogance of Hua Qianyuan and his son. Even Gu Fenghua doesn't know what the other party's reaction will be, but her Yaomu cauldron has been tempered successfully However, even against a sect like Shangshui Yunzong, she might not have a chance of saving her life, so she didn't want Han Yangshu and the others to accompany her on the adventure.

Moreover, protecting one's shortcomings is a feature that many sects have. I just don't know if Shuiyunzong is also a sect that protects short-term interests regardless of right and wrong.

After finishing speaking, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen turned back to the sect and walked towards Qingxi Valley.

Seeing Hua Qianyuan refusing to bow his head despite being seriously injured, and finally escaped from the Nanli Sect, Chang Wanfa and Qiu Qianjian also knew that this matter was endless. They thought that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would definitely leave the Nanli Sect immediately. Thinking of them staying.

The two were both surprised and moved. Looking at their backs, their eyes showed a bit of admiration they had never seen before.

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