My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1689 Can we handle this by ourselves?

This is true even for the two elders. Needless to say, the other Nanli Sect disciples, each of them looked at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen with reverence written in their eyes, and it was unknown who took the lead. All the disciples Cheers in unison.


Not long after returning to Qingxi Valley, the sky gradually darkened. Han Yangshu and the others were worried, and they didn't know what to say. The courtyard was extraordinarily quiet, and there was a kind of depression about to come.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen acted like normal people, chatting and laughing as they planned their dinner. Gu Fenghua also specially set up the barbecue grill, while chatting and laughing with Lonen, he put on the pheasant and hare that he picked up when he came back just now and grilled it.

Seeing their majestic peaks pressing down on me, I was calm and calm, and their confident smiles, Han Yangshu and the others secretly admired them, and their frowning brows were completely relaxed.

Isn't it just a Shuiyun Sect? When our Nanli Sect was at its peak, their old ancestors didn't know where to carry water and chop firewood to be handyman disciples. What's there to be afraid of?

Thinking of this in their hearts, the few people became very proud, and they stopped thinking about it, and came to Gu Fenghua's side to fight. Several people were chatting and laughing, and the yard was more lively than before.

"I didn't expect that Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen would have such boldness. I thought they would escape from the Nanli Sect and leave a mess for us to clean up?" Just as Gu Fenghua and the others were busy talking and laughing While grilling, Shengfafeng and Qiuqianjian said to Chang Wanfa with emotion.

"Yeah, I underestimated them before." Chang Wanfa felt the same way.

"However, the matter has become a big mess after all, so how will it end?" After the emotion was over, Qiu Qianjian said with a sad face again.

"It was Gu Fenghua who did it. I think no matter how angry Shui Yunzong is, he might not be able to take us to the south, right? I think as long as we stay out of the matter and make some compensation, it should be..." Chang Wanfa pondered and said.

"Wait, you mean to push Gu Fenghua out, and our Nanli sect treat it as nothing to do with us?" Before he could finish speaking, the swing sword interrupted.

"Aside from this, is there any other way?" Chang Wanfa didn't deny it.

"Do you think it will work? Have you forgotten who caused today's incident?

Gu Fenghua made a move, although it was because Hua Mingyu was too rude, but it was our Nanli sect who saved face. If she didn't make a move, how would our Nanli sect be humiliated by that little animal of the Hua family?

Didn't you see the eyes of those disciples looking at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen just now, forgetting how passionate they were when they returned to the sect, and wanted to push Gu Fenghua out, let alone Shui Yunzong's willingness or not, Our own disciples will not agree. "Although Qiuqianjian's brain is not as good as usual, he can see this matter much more clearly than him.

"You are right, so how should we deal with this matter?" Chang Wanfa recalled the reaction of the disciples of the sect just now, and felt that what Swing Sword said made sense, so he became anxious, and he no longer deliberately pretended to be like before. calm and calm.

"In my opinion, we should handle this matter by ourselves," Qiu Qianjian said.

"Carry it on our own, can we bear it?" Chang Wanfa smiled bitterly and said, the Nanli Sect today is not as good as it was ten thousand years ago, what can we use to fight against Shuiyun Sect.

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