Anyway, once the matter of Shuiyunzong is over, she and Fenghua still have to leave Nanlizong, so let them be fulfilled.

Gu Fenghua also smiled slightly, looking at Han Yangshu. For Chang Yingrong, Gu Fenghua really didn't like it. After all, he was stupid and poisonous at the beginning, which gave her the idea of ​​cleaning her up. However, now that everything is over, she doesn't bother to worry about it.

She still has a long way to go, these little things are like a passing cloud, and caressing about it will make her fall behind. Even looking at Han Yangshu's face, Gu Fenghua would not care too much about it.

"That's right Senior Brother Han, Senior Sister Chang has a deep affection for you, you can't keep pretending you don't know?" Yu Le'er also booed.

Although Zhou Siqin and Lin Ye didn't follow suit, they looked at Han Yangshu expectantly. They have seen Chang Yingrong's affection for Han Yangshu over the years, and they also hope that the two will eventually get married.

"Senior Sister Chang, I can see all your love for me. In fact, since I first saw you when I came to Nanlizong, I can't tolerate other people in my heart anymore." Han Yang said soothingly .

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Chang Yingrong raised her head in surprise. After finishing speaking, I realized that I was too eager, and I blushed again.

"You are the direct relative of Elder Chang and an inner disciple, but I was only an outer disciple at that time, and my family background in the Nanli Sect is not worth mentioning at all. I don't have the nerve to say it. Will be laughed at as a toad wanting to eat swan meat." Han Yangshu smiled bitterly, but soon regained his confidence, and said proudly, "But now I am also an inner disciple, and my strength is not too bad. Tomorrow, I will Go and ask Elder Chang for a kiss!"

"Okay, let's go together." Yu Le'er cheered happily, and those who didn't know thought that Han Yangshu was the one who proposed marriage to her.

"Senior Brother Han, what are you doing begging for a kiss?" Zhou Siqin said amusedly.

"That's right, Senior Brother Han is begging, what are we going to do?" Yu Le'er scratched her head and said in frustration.

"No, we'll talk about our matter later, you have to leave Nanli Sect immediately." Chang Yingrong calmed down at this moment, and said anxiously to Han Yangshu.

"Why did you leave?" Yu Leer asked puzzled.

"Of course it's because of the Shuiyun Sect. Hua Qianyuan and his son have suffered such a big loss, and they will never let it go. Shuiyun Sect is now in full swing and wants to be promoted to a high-ranking sect. They value the sect's reputation more than anything else. It is absolutely impossible to see my elders being bullied like this, and I will stand up for him, if I don't leave, I am afraid it will be too late." Chang Yingrong said.

"No way, our Nanli Sect is not easy to bully, do they really dare to call?" Yu Le'er remembered the matter of Shuiyun Sect, and said in disbelief.

"You think our Nanli Sect is still the former Nanli Sect. The Shuiyun Sect has long since ignored our Nanli Sect." Chang Yingrong said helplessly. After all, she is Chang Wanfa's own niece, she knows more things, so she is more worried.

"So what, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Even if they fight, they may not be able to destroy our Nanli sect. At that time, they will hurt the enemy by a thousand and lose eight hundred. We will suffer, and they will not even think about it." Take advantage." Lin Ye said unconvinced.

"Although that is the case, do you think it is possible to fight? According to my third uncle and Elder Qiu's temperament, in order not to cause trouble, I will definitely push Uncle Gu and Uncle Luo out. I know you will definitely not stand by and watch , but ask yourself, can you help with your strength?" Chang Yingrong said.

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