Han Yangshu and the others fell silent. Although they have all made up their minds, they are willing to ask themselves to be expelled from the Nanli sect, and they will live and die with Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen, but they are also very clear that relying on their own strength, not only cannot help, they may still will be a burden to them.

"Will Elder Chang and Elder Qiu really do that?" Yu Le'er asked with the last glimmer of hope.

"What do you think?" Chang Yingrong said with a wry smile.

Yu Le'er was silent again. Everyone had witnessed the cowardice of the two elders when they faced Hua Qianyuan and his son. You must know that Hua Qianyuan is only the seventh elder of Shuiyunzong, and his strength is not much stronger than them. Their performance has already been so disgraceful and humiliating. What choice did you make?

"Hey, our Nanli Sect used to be one of the eighteen Sacred Sects under Tianji Sage Monarch, how could we have fallen to this point!" Han Yangshu and the others sighed, with disappointment written all over their faces.

"In your eyes, are we two old fellows really that unbearable?" At this moment, Chang Wanfa's voice sounded from outside the door.

"Third Uncle, Elder Qiu, why are you here?" Chang Yingrong asked in surprise seeing Chang Qiu and the two who came hand in hand.

Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and the others also looked puzzled, even if these two old men wanted to push them out so as to give Shui Yunzong an explanation, there was no need to be so hasty.

"If I don't come, I still don't believe it. I, a disciple of Nanli Sect, are really disappointed in the two elders of techniques." Chang Wanfa said mockingly.

"It just so happens that you are all here. I have something to tell you. You should leave Nanli Sect immediately without delay." Qiu Qianjian said straight to the point.

"What?" Not only Han Yangshu and the others, but even Gu Fenghua were taken aback.

"This time, the matter of Shuiyunzong will be borne by our Nanlizong. It will be the best if we can turn big things into small things. If we can't, we will have to fight to the death.

If we really get to that point, no matter whether our Nanli sect can survive or not, our vitality will definitely be seriously injured. Maybe we won't be able to recover our vitality in another ten thousand years, or we may be heading towards extinction step by step.

So Elder Qiu and I have made up our minds. Only by selecting disciples with excellent aptitude and leaving Nanli Sect early can we preserve some vitality for the sect and revive the sect faster in the future. "Chang Wanfa said.

"No, we won't leave. We will live and die with the sect." Although Chang Wanfa didn't say it directly, Han Yangshu and the others could guess that the disciples he was talking about were himself.

But they were not willing to leave when the Zongmen was alive or dead, they all said in unison with resolute faces.

"Shut up, my Nanli Sect's foundation of tens of thousands of years has now fallen on you. As long as you are still here, my Nanli Sect will never perish. If you die, who will revive the sect in the future?

You only know how to show off your momentary arrogance and the courage of ordinary people. Are you worthy of the teachings of the sect over the years and the ancestors of the Nanli sect? "Chang Wanfa shouted angrily.

After being reprimanded by him, Han Yangshu and others also came to their senses.

Although they have learned the Nine Heavens Phantom Thunder Sword, their own cultivation base has not yet improved. If they really want to start fighting, they are still inferior to those inner disciples who have practiced for many years. It is useless to stay, and it is best to leave. s Choice.

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