My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1696 We were wrong in the past

"Let's go, let's go with your Uncle Luo, and Uncle Gu and Uncle Gu." Seeing that they stopped talking, Chang Wanfa knew that they could figure out the priorities, and said with a sigh, but when it came to Gu Fenghua's At that time, I didn't know how to call it, so I just used other disciples' calling method in the end. This kind of juncture is not the time to entangle the views of family status.

"Elder Chang, the situation may not be as bad as you think." Gu Fenghua said.

Although he didn't know why Chang Qiu and the others were uncharacteristically, they had the courage to stand up at this time, but Gu Fenghua finally gave them a high regard.

"Indeed, things may not be as bad as we thought, but we are not afraid of 10,000, just in case. The Nanli Sect has finally been passed down to this day. We must not take risks. No matter what, we must preserve the last bit of blood for the sect. "Chang Wanfa said.

"Well, I caused the disaster. I will stay here and let them go." Gu Fenghua understood that as elders, Chang Qiu and the others must worry much more than themselves. Facing the sect's life and death, They certainly would not take risks, so they spoke.

"No, you go too!" Chang Wanfa said resolutely, "With your talent, you will be able to soar into the sky in the future. There is no need to stay in Nanli Sect to take risks."

"Yeah, the two of us used to be selfish, and we were afraid that you would intervene in the suzerain dispute, so we were on guard against you in every possible way. Now that we think about it, we are nothing but blind frogs. Even if you really have that kind of ambition, it is impossible for you to look at us. If you want to fight against the declining sect, you should also fight against the top-rank sect, or even the idea of ​​the holy sect.

In the past, we were wrong. I hope you will take the sake of Yang Shu and others, and don't be as knowledgeable as us.

If my Nanli sect is doomed this time, and the heavy responsibility of rebuilding the sect will fall on Yangshu and the others in the future, I hope you can help me generously at that time. Dare to forget your great kindness. "Swing Sword also said.

As soon as the words fell, the two elders saluted Gu Fenghua deeply.

As the saying goes, when a person is about to die, his words are also good. Although things hadn't reached the worst stage yet, the two of them had already prepared for the worst, and there was absolutely no hypocrisy in their words.

"The two elders are serious, don't worry, as long as I have breath, the matter of Nanlizong is my business, and I will never stand by." Seeing the sincerity of the two people, Gu Fenghua was a little moved, and quickly helped him up two people.

"Okay, let's go quickly. Put away these storage bracelets. Inside are the treasures of the elders of our two schools of techniques, as well as various ancient books passed down from generation to generation in the Library Pavilion. If there is any accident, this is our southern The capital of Li Zong's comeback in the future, you... must not let us down." Chang Qiu and the two each took out a few storage bracelets and handed them to Han Yangshu and the others, with tears in their eyes.

"Master Elder!" Han Yangshu and the others trembled, and tears filled their eyes.

"My lord, my lord..." At this moment, a disciple shouted out of breath, and rushed towards Qingxi Valley quickly.

"What's the matter? My Nanli sect hasn't been destroyed yet. Why are you so panicked?" Chang Wanfa was already depressed, but he was even more unhappy when he saw the panicked appearance of this disciple, so he sternly reprimanded him.

"Here we come, the Sect Master of Shuiyun Sect is here!" the disciple gasped.

"What, Liu Qingyuan is here, and he has entered the sect so quickly." Chang Qiu and the two of them were shocked.

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