Nothing special happened at the auction, but when Master Hua appeared on the stage, it caused a sensation. Many people have heard of Master Hua's name, but they have never seen it. It is a great honor to see you today.

Both of Gu Fenghua's magic tools were auctioned for a good price, because they were both authenticated by Master Hua, and people flocked to buy them. The middle-aged man's semi-artifact also sold for a good price. Presumably he also has money to treat his daughter.

After deducting the commission fee from the chamber of commerce, Gu Fenghua got a large sum of money. At this time, Gu Fenghua really felt that he had enough confidence and his back was stiff. After getting the money, Gu Fenghua's first thought was to treat Master Hua and his apprentices to a big meal. Then take Lonen to buy, buy, buy.

However, the wish to invite Master Hua to dine has come to nothing, because after the auction, Master Hua received a letter. He didn't have time to say goodbye to Gu Fenghua face to face, but entrusted the manager of the chamber of commerce to tell Gu Fenghua that he had something urgent to deal with, and hoped that Gu Fenghua would visit him when he was free, so he left in a hurry.

The steward of the chamber of commerce told Gu Fenghua where Master Hua lived, and said enviously, "This is the first time I've heard Master Hua take the initiative to invite people to visit." Then the steward of the chamber of commerce scrutinized Gu Fenghua from the beginning to the end, The exaggerated expression of "How did this little girl do it, I'm so envious, I want to be treated like this" was written all over her face.

Gu Fenghua felt a little lost in his heart, but soon cheered up again. She believed that she would meet Master Hua again.

It will be a long time before a flying boat from a school comes to welcome them. Gu Fenghua decided to hurry up and cultivate with Luo Enen after shopping.

So the two of them went in and out, and practiced peacefully in the courtyard of the inn. Only time to go out and eat something good and get some fresh air.

Hua Mingyu found out where Gu Fenghua and the others lived, but she didn't dare to make trouble. Because he still didn't dare to mess around in Lanshan City. The lord of Lanshan City managed the city very well and did not tolerate any provocations.

Hua Mingyu secretly made up her mind that when she leaves Lanshan City, she must make Gu Fenghua look good.


In Hua Mingyu's anticipation every day, it was finally time to leave Lanshan City.

"Brother, we can finally go to Yiyi Academy. I heard that Yidao City is more prosperous and lively than Lanshan City, so there must be something bad." Feng Yuxin looked at Hua Mingyu with her eyes wide open.

"When the time comes, Junior Sister, I'll buy whatever you fancy." Hua Mingyu said proudly. At the auction in Lanshan City, Hua Mingyu did buy a magic weapon for Feng Yuxin, which was the necklace refined by Gu Fenghua. It cost him a lot of money, but his heart ached to death. But thinking about pleasing the person in front of him, he gritted his teeth and endured it.

Anyway, it's all started, and the extra money has been spent, do you still care about spending more money?

"I don't want anything, I can't waste senior brother's money. I have already spent a lot of money on this magic weapon, how can I be ashamed?" Feng Yuxin shook her head, blaming herself, "However, senior brother, I really want Gu Fenghua very much. The little black bear. It's so cute, I really want to touch it."

"It's okay, it's okay. I'll take care of her slowly when I'm on the Duyun Flying Boat this time." Hua Mingyu sneered twice, with a stern look in her eyes.

"However, Gu Fenghua seems very fierce to me, what if we are not her opponents, brother?" Feng Yuxin asked worriedly.

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