My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1742 The more you think about it, the better

Those disciples who followed Hua Mingyu's heart trembled when they heard this question. Subconsciously looked at Hua Mingyu, but did not see a guilty or timid expression on Hua Mingyu's face. Hua Mingyu was full of confidence this time, and said with a sneer, "Do you know who is in charge of picking up people on the ferry?"

The dog legs were very cooperative and asked curiously: "Who is it?"

Feng Yuxin also asked very curiously: "Brother, who is it? Is it someone the brother knows?"

"That's right, Junior Sister Bingxue is smart." Hua Mingyu was full of pride, not forgetting to please her Junior Sister, "The person in charge this time is my second uncle from afar. My second uncle and my father have a very close relationship. Well, it’s very kind to me too. This time, Gu Fenghua didn’t shed a layer of skin!”

"Wow! Young Master's second uncle is actually the guide this time."

"Young master's second uncle's status in Yidao Academy may not be simple."

"Sure, who is the young master. Of course, the second uncle of the young master is not simple."

"It's a pity that we can't admire the demeanor of the son's second uncle. We will go back soon."

The sounds of flattering came one after another, and the room was full of their bragging.

Feng Yuxin also showed an expression of admiration, which greatly benefited Hua Mingyu. It is a pity that this group of disciples cannot see the demeanor of the second uncle. This group of disciples only escorted him to Lanshan City, and when the time came, they all returned to Shuiyunzong.

Hua Mingyu was thinking about how to deal with Gu Fenghua in her heart, the more she thought about it, the more flattered she was, she almost laughed out loud.


It's finally time for Duyun Feizhou to pick up the disciples. The flying boat will only stay in Lanshan City for one day, and depart the next day. Duyun Feizhou stopped at the south gate of Lanshan City. The south gate, which is usually not crowded early in the morning, is now bustling with people. In addition to the disciples who came to participate in the practice, many of them came to see them off.

The first time Gu Fenghua saw the Duyun Feizhou, he was shocked by the huge monster in front of him. This flying boat should be made of a kind of pure gold and mithril, and it exudes a faint golden light in the morning light. At this time, it was standing there steadily, more than ten feet away from the ground.

A row of uniformly dressed guards stood on the deck, each with serious faces, giving people a lot of pressure. A spacious wooden escalator lowers from the deck for easy access. There were four people standing at the escalator on the boat and at the bottom of the boat. After checking a palace talisman under the boat to confirm his identity, he had to go up the escalator to check again before he could board the boat.

Before boarding the boat, you need to buy a boat ticket. Not far from the escalator entrance, there are several tables where several guards collect fees.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen followed the crowd to the place where the boat tickets were sold. But saw an "acquaintance" there. It's Hua Mingyu again! Standing beside Hua Mingyu was a vigorous middle-aged man, listening to Hua Mingyu with a smile on his face.

Gu Fenghua sighed in his heart, what kind of shit is this? People from the Hua family are all over the world? This Hua Qianyue must be Hua Mingyu's relative. Hua Qianyuan, Hua Qianyue, aren't these obviously relatives? This Hua Qianyue seems to have a good relationship with Hua Mingyu.

Then the road to a school this time, I'm afraid it won't be so easy.

As soon as he thought of this, Gu Fenghua and Hua Mingyu's eyes met.

When Hua Mingyu saw Gu Fenghua, his eyes were filled with resentment and complacency, and he tilted his head and whispered something in Hua Qianyue's ear. Then Hua Qianyue looked up at Gu Fenghua.

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