My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1744 Sure enough, he is dismounted

The guard next to him was also checking other people's jade badges, and after insisting, he reported: "Soul Sacred Fifth Rank, fourth class cabin."

"Soul Sacred Sixth Grade, Fourth Class."

"Xuansheng first grade, second class."

"Xuansheng third grade, second class."

"Xuansheng fifth grade, first class." The guard next to him was quickly checking the jade badge, and arranged the position according to the person's identity and strength.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen understood as soon as they heard it, this is the location of the cabin according to the strength.

It seems that soul sages below the sixth rank are in fourth class, soul saints in seventh, eighth and ninth ranks are in third class, and Xuansheng in first, second and third ranks are in second class, and those in Xuansheng third and above are in first class.

According to this division, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen should naturally be in the first class. But Hua Qianyue arranged them in the fourth class.

It makes sense to arrange the cabin of Duyun Feizhou like this. The more talented disciples naturally received better treatment. If they were in danger, they would naturally give priority to protecting these gifted disciples. When they can't help themselves, those disciples with poor talents will be given up.

The guards next to him looked sideways in surprise, but none of them dared to refute. After all, the disparity in status is too great, Hua Qianyue is not only the person in charge this time, but also a steward of a school, and they are not something that a small guard can offend.

At the moment, many sympathetic eyes fell on Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen. There are even violent people who want to speak out, but are held back by the eternal companion by his side.

Hua Qianyue looked at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen with a half-smile, waiting for Gu Fenghua to be furious and argue with him.

But Gu Fenghua just glanced at him indifferently, reached out and took a small square card assigned to the two of them, and left with Luo Enen.

Hua Qianyue felt depressed, as if she had punched the cotton with a punch, feeling powerless.

"Second Uncle, this Gu Fenghua is so tolerant?" Hua Mingyu looked at the direction where Gu Fenghua disappeared in surprise, and asked in a low voice.

"This person is not simple." Hua Qianyue's face sank like water, "Okay, you take your little junior sister to your house first. It's a long way." When it came to the last sentence, Hua Qianyue had a lot of meaning.

Hua Mingyu immediately realized that even though this dismount was unsuccessful, it still took a long time to cross the Beiming Wasteland. Along the way, there are many opportunities to trouble them.

Hua Mingyu figured this out, happily turned around and went to look for the little junior sister.

Hua Qianyue looked at the direction where Gu Fenghua's back disappeared with a gloomy face, and didn't look away for a long time.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen have already descended to the fourth floor of the flying boat, which is the fourth-class cabin. In front of him is a melancholy inner corridor, on both sides are small doors that can only be passed by one person, and inside the small doors are naturally individual cabins.

"Mine is fifty-six." Gu Fenghua looked at the small square card in his hand, "Your is fifty-four, it's next door."

"Well, let's go, let's go and have a look." Lornen was in high spirits, and didn't show any emotion at all because of being assigned to an unfair cabin.

"Well, let's take a look." Gu Fenghua was also very curious about this flying boat. How did such a behemoth be refined?

Gu Fenghua used the small square card in his hand to open the cabin that belonged to her, and what he entered was a small house with all internal organs.

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