My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1745 Special Super Roast Goose

There are beds, tables and chairs, and convenient places inside, so it is really complete.

"Oh, it feels pretty good." Lonen sat down on the bed and lay back, "We can practice well here along the way."

"Yeah." Gu Fenghua nodded, and released the cub who was making a fuss to breathe.

"Let's go, take a look at my room, and then have something to eat." Luo Enen stood up and said enthusiastically, "Where is Juju, let me out to eat something later."

Crossing the clouds and flying boat does not provide food, everything is brought by the disciples themselves. So this long journey is prepared by the disciples themselves.

As soon as he got out of Gu Fenghua's cabin, he met two young disciples head on. The one walking in front was a young woman, walking in a hurry, followed by a young man with a helpless face.

"Senior sister, slow down, wait for me." The young man behind shouted helplessly.

"Don't talk to me, eh? It's you." The young woman looked at Gu Fenghua and the others in surprise.

"It's you, thank you just now." Gu Fenghua recognized that this young woman was the one who wanted to speak up just now, but was held back by the people around her. It seems that he is her younger brother.

"Hey, thank you, I didn't help you." The young woman said annoyedly, then glared at the people behind her, "You are the one who stopped me."

The young man behind him looked innocent and helpless.

"Thank you for your kindness just now." Gu Fenghua looked at the way the two got along, a little funny.

"Don't thank me, don't thank me. I'm embarrassed to say that. My junior brother and I are disciples of Jiang Haizong. My name is Gu Hanyan. This is my junior brother, Liang Ruofeng. Where are you two?" Gu Hanyan said heartily.

"Coincidentally, my surname is also Gu, I'm Gu Fenghua, and this is Luo Enen." Gu Fenghua laughed, what a coincidence.

"Your surname is also Gu, what a fate." When Gu Hanyan heard Gu Fenghua's name, she was overjoyed, and immediately felt very cordial, "How did you meet Hua Qianyue and the others?"

"It's a long story, if you don't mind, why don't you come in and have a cup of tea and something to chat?" Gu Fenghua also had a good impression of this hearty Gu Hanyan, so he simply invited him.

"Okay, okay." Gu Hanyan nodded, "Anyway, I'm only leaving tomorrow, and I'm not allowed to get off the airship now. It's very boring. Let's chat."

Liang Ruofeng had a helpless expression on his face, but he didn't speak to dissuade him, and followed Gu Fenghua and the others into the cabin.

"There's nothing good to entertain you. Don't be disgusted." Gu Fenghua took out the tea set from the storage bracelet, made tea, and took out a lot of pastries and fruits.

"It's so rich!" Gu Hanyan looked at the food and said happily, "I also brought a lot of food, let's share it together." After Gu Hanyan finished speaking, she also took out a lot from her storage ring It was delicious, and there was even a roast goose.

This huge roast goose only occupied half of the table, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen were dumbfounded, this was the first time they saw such a big roast goose.

"This is a special product of our Jiang Haizong, which is not available in other places." Gu Hanyan said with a proud smile, "This goose was roasted by my junior brother, who is very good at making roast goose."

"It's really fragrant, it looks delicious." Gu Fenghua praised. The heat of the roast goose on the table is obviously well controlled. It was obviously brushed with honey. Has an alluring sheen.

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