My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1760 You are the only one who foolishly treats her like a treasure

"Listen, I'll listen. Before I left, my father also told me that I must listen to my second uncle on this journey." Hua Mingyu nodded his head pecking rice.

"Why, you only listen on this road?" Hua Qianyue narrowed her eyes.

"How can it be? Didn't I listen to it since I was a child?" Hua Mingyu hastily argued.

But Hua Qianyue knew that his nephew didn't listen to his words.

"People say that a person's character and sincerity can only be seen in times of crisis. Think about it for yourself, it was so dangerous at that time, and your junior sister just wanted to push you out to take the place of the dead ghost. You are the only one who foolishly treats her as a treasure. You Think about it for yourself, has she really paid anything for you along the way? Since you said she is caring, what has she given you? Or is it just talking and coaxing you, just getting benefits from you? ?” Hua Qianyue was persuasive and persuasive.

Hua Qianyue sighed in her heart that at a critical moment, that Feng Yuxin pushed Hua Mingyu out to block the dead ghost, and then looked at Gu Fenghua, at that moment, desperately saving a person who had just met and had no friendship.

Comparing the two, I have to admit that Gu Fenghua values ​​affection and righteousness, and is a person worth making friends with.

Why didn't my nephew become a friend with this kind of person, but an enemy instead?

After Hua Qianyue had this thought, she fell silent again.

The character of my nephew...

forget it. It would be weird to be friends with someone like that.

Alas, it's all my cousin's fault, what a good child has been taught. Back then, when Hua Mingyu was a child, the chubby thief was cute, and if he was given two candies, he would give one to himself. How come it's in such a bad state now?

No, uncle should be blamed, it was uncle who taught my cousin badly!

At this time, Hua Mingyu was also in a daze. He's stupid, but that doesn't mean he has no IQ at all. After listening to Hua Qianyue's words, he thought about it carefully, and it seemed that the junior sister really didn't give him anything. He bought a lot of things for the little junior sister and spent a lot of money.

This is really the case!

However, Feng Yuxin's pitiful look appeared before Hua Mingyu's eyes. Do you feel that you are too fussy? Men, why spend some money on the woman you like.

Hua Mingyu hasn't told Hua Qianyue that Feng Yuxin wants Gu Fenghua's demon pet. If she tells Hua Qianyue now, Hua Qianyue will be sure that Feng Yuxin has bad intentions.

Hua Qianyue saw Hua Mingyu's fugue, and knew that this idiot probably didn't listen too much. Forget it, let me remind myself and watch more. Let's first check what's wrong with the defensive formation.

Hua Mingyu led people to inspect the formation room, but the more they checked, the more frightened they became. The array is broken! And it was man-made.

The formation room has always been strictly controlled in and out, so he brought Hua Mingyu in. That idiot Hua Mingyu just wanted to destroy it, but he couldn't find a way to do it. Don't even think about his possibilities.

Who would that be?

Is there something wrong with the guard this time?

For a moment, Hua Qianyue's heart sank continuously.

"Here, Manager Hua, what should we do? We don't even know how to repair array disks." A guard asked anxiously.

The formation of Duyun Feizhou was jointly deployed by several formation masters. The array plate that controls the array was forged by a master craftsman and these array masters. The material used will not be so easily damaged.

But, who is it that can destroy the formation disk so easily, making the defensive formation unable to open? Who else has been to the formation room?

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