My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1761 Can you repair Fenghua?

Hua Qianyue thought hard, and suddenly remembered that her ineffective nephew brought his junior sister here. At that time, he saw the innocent look of the little girl, and thought it should be nothing, so he allowed him to bring her in together. Could it be that the girl named Feng Yuxin is the problem?

"You guys, have you ever seen that girl named Feng Yuxin approach the array in front of you?" Hua Qianyue asked the people in the array room. There are five arrays in total, he controls the largest and core one, and the other four auxiliary arrays are operated by other people.

"No, she hasn't been close." The four people who operated the array thought for a while, and then they all replied in the affirmative.

Hua Qianyue frowned, and he also confirmed that Feng Yuxin had never approached the array he controlled. I haven't seen any suspicious behavior from her. And taking a ten thousand step back, what's the benefit of Feng Yuxin destroying the array? Once the flying boat is damaged, the road will be even more dangerous. Can she guarantee that she will pass through the Beiming Wasteland safely?

Hua Qianyue ruled out this suspicion. Then he began to infer whether someone in the sect framed him. He thought about it for a while, but he had no clue.

At this time, Gu Fenghua and the others had already returned to the cabin, healing and resting. Fortunately, several of them were slightly injured and there was no major problem. However, when everyone was repairing, Hua Qianyue sent someone to inform everyone to gather on the deck.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen in the room looked at each other, feeling an ominous premonition in their hearts.

This premonition came true after seeing Hua Qianyue.

"The defensive formation cannot be opened because the disk was destroyed by someone. It was checked before departure and there is no problem. But now it is broken. Whoever destroyed it has no clue now. I called everyone to spread the problem explain.

Things have come to this point, no one wants to. I admit that this is our negligence, and those who should be held accountable will definitely be held accountable. It's just that the most important thing right now is, without the defensive array, what should we do?

The array disk is broken, if anyone can repair it, welcome to repair it. If it can't be repaired, then this way, we can only work together to resist the monsters.

No one wants to die, and neither do I. So I hope that everyone will do their best to face the next possible monster attack. "

Hua Qianyue analyzed the pros and cons in one go. As for the problem of array disk, he didn't have any hope. The formation of Duyun Feizhou and the formation board to control the formation are so complicated and delicate, it is the painstaking efforts of many masters, how can it be easily repaired?

For a moment, there was an uproar on and off the flying boat. This has never happened before!

Every time, the Yidao Academy sends a flying boat to pick up the disciples who are going to practice. Although some people are injured sometimes, there has never been a case where the defensive formation of the flying boat has been damaged. Now that the defense array cannot be opened, the road will be even more dangerous. Whether it can reach a city safely is a question mark.

Luo Enen frowned, leaned close to Gu Fenghua and whispered, "Fenghua, can you repair the formation disk?"

"No. I can only scratch the surface. If my third brother is here, then there will be no problem." Gu Fenghua said truthfully, "Duyun Feizhou is so huge, the formation method

It must be exquisite. Don't think too highly of me. "Gu Fenghua's tone was a little helpless. Of course it is a good thing to be trusted by her partners, but she is not omnipotent.

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