"Is this girl from our flying boat?" Liang Ruofeng also realized at this time.

"No, absolutely not." Li Lili said firmly, "Because I looked around before, I thought Sister Fenghua was the prettiest. This woman is actually as good-looking as Sister Fenghua. I must be impressed by what I have seen. I haven't seen it Yes, I'm sure."

The corner of Lornen's mouth twitched, and she glanced at Li Lili, it's over, it's over, this child, what a rainbow, she's about to give in. No, it's fine if she can't keep up with Gu Fenghua in flattery, how can she lose to such a child? She has to work hard.

No one knew the magical brain circuit of Lornen at this time. Instead, they were all looking at the unconscious woman.

Gu Fenghua knelt down to feel the pulse of the unconscious girl, and found that the pulse was disordered and she suffered serious internal injuries. It looks fine on the outside, but inside it feels like a storm. Gu Fenghua gently lifted the girl's head, fed her the elixir, and then gently fed her water.

"Anyway, let's save it first. It should be someone who wants to walk through this wasteland alone." Gu Fenghua thought for a while, and summoned Jianjian, who wanted to turn into a human-shaped vine and carry the girl away.

As a result, Gu Fenghua's complexion darkened as the cheap flower plate swayed wildly.

"What's wrong?" Lonen asked suspiciously.

"This cheap flower, it said that if you want to hug it, you only hug Hanyan, not other women." Gu Fenghua gritted his teeth and said, "Don't get me wrong, it's not interested in humans, but Hanyan is different, it's its parents. "

After hearing this, everyone wanted to laugh when they saw Jianjian swaying the flower plate, and then moved to Gu Hanyan's side and rubbed the flower plate flatteringly on Gu Hanyan's face. But looking at Gu Fenghua's dark face, he still held back. With such a disgusting demon plant, Gu Fenghua must not be in a good mood now, so it is better not to grow it.

Gu Fenghua had no choice but to carry the girl on his own. It turned out to be embarrassing. He carried the girl, but his feet were still on the ground.

I go? ?

Gu Fenghua was stunned, why didn't he realize that this girl is so tall? This is almost two heads higher than her.

Forget it, Gu Fenghua changed his posture and hugged him horizontally. It's not like I haven't hugged someone like this before. Like hugging the fat man like this?

When Gu Fenghua got onto the flying boat with her in his arms, Hua Mingyu was the first to see her. He always pays attention to the enemy's movements whenever he is free, looking for an opportunity to deal with Gu Fenghua. As a result, something like this happened to the flying boat, and then the monsters attacked. How could he have the guts to take the opportunity to attack Gu Fenghua when monsters attacked? At that time, he just wanted to hide behind his second uncle for protection.

Now seeing Gu Fenghua hugging someone up, he was gloating in his heart that one of Gu Fenghua's friends must have been seriously injured and fell into a coma and was fed up by Gu Fenghua. Gu Fenghua was not unlucky, but it was the same if her friend was unlucky, Hua Mingyu was very happy.

As a result, Hua Mingyu frowned when he saw the face of the person Gu Fenghua was holding.

No, such a beautiful person is not from their flying boat!

If Hua Mingyu was able to find out that the person Gu Fenghua brought up was not from the flying boat, it was naturally because this pervert had carefully looked at all the good-looking women on the flying boat and remembered them in his heart.

As for the good-looking person in Gu Fenghua's arms, if he had seen him, he would definitely be impressed. I have no impression, then it must not be the person on the flying boat!

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