My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1768 The mentally retarded brain suddenly works

"Gu Fenghua, who did you bring up?" Hua Mingyu shouted.

"I saved someone, what's wrong?" Gu Fenghua glanced at Dazzling Mingyu, and said coldly, "Congratulations, you're still alive."

"What do you mean by that?" Hua Mingyu exploded upon hearing that.

"Literally." Gu Fenghua snorted coldly, he didn't want to talk nonsense with Hua Mingyu any more, and wanted to go back to the cabin with him in his arms.

"Wait, how can you bring a person of unknown origin onto the flying boat? Do you know the identity of this person? If this person has evil intentions and something goes wrong, you can take responsibility for it?" Hua Mingyu managed to catch him. If there is an opportunity to trouble Gu Fenghua, how could it be just like this?

"What's wrong? What's the noise?" Hua Qianyue heard Hua Mingyu's voice at this moment, and came over.

"Guan Hua, look at this Gu Fenghua. He brought a person up from below. This person's origin is unknown. Who knows if he is a good person. If this person does something wrong, such as destroying the flying boat, our journey will be even more difficult. Ah. The array has been destroyed, we can't take any more risks." Hua Mingyu said plausibly.

Gu Fenghua looked at Hua Mingyu in surprise, this mentally handicapped man, why did his brain suddenly work so well at this moment, and he spoke in such an orderly manner. I also know that at this time, Hua Qianyue was called to be in charge of Hua, and I didn't call my second uncle, so I knew to avoid suspicion.

Hua Qianyue actually had the same thought in her heart at the moment. How could the stupid nephew's brain be so easy to use at such a time? How could it be so stupid that people wanted to beat him when he was tricked by Feng Yuxin?

But Hua Qianyue didn't express her opinion right away, she just looked at Gu Fenghua and said in a deep voice: "Gu Fenghua, what Hua Mingyu said is the truth? Who is this person?"

"I don't know who it is. It was found at the bottom. It suffered serious internal injuries. It might be a dead end if you put it down there, so I brought it up." Of course, Gu Fenghua didn't know the origin of this person, so he said truthfully.

"Look, you dare to bring it on the flying boat even if you don't know the origin." When Hua Mingyu heard Gu Fenghua say this himself, she almost jumped up, her voice raised, and she sternly accused, "Gu Fenghua, you have ulterior motives, You dare to save such a person."

"If you save it, you save it. I will watch her, and if she is really a bad person, I will kill her with one blow." Gu Fenghua said in a flat tone.

At this time, many people heard the quarrel here and came over.

As a result, after hearing clearly that this was the case, everyone had different moods.

In fact, many people have a good impression of Gu Fenghua, who is powerful, affectionate and righteous. Especially the fact that she sacrificed her life to save Li Mingyu made everyone very moved and moved. Afterwards, Gu Fenghua made even more effort in beheading monsters, and her three monster pets were no small matter.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages in associating with a person like Gu Fenghua who has unlimited potential and values ​​love and righteousness.

But what Hua Mingyue said is also very reasonable. At such an extraordinary moment, if you bring a person of unknown origin onto the flying boat, you are afraid that something will happen.

It's just that the person who insisted on saving people was Gu Fenghua, so everyone fell silent. For a while, no one was the first to speak to dissuade.

Hua Mingyu saw it, became anxious, and asked loudly: "Gu Fenghua, you are taking everyone's safety as a child's play. What if this woman is in the form of a monster? Then we are all in danger?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was helpless. I had heard that Hua Mingyu and Gu Fenghua had a feud, and it was true. Now, in order to embarrass Gu Fenghua, he said such nonsense.

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