Hua Qianyue ignored the eyes of her mentally handicapped nephew, walked up to look at Bai Rong and said, "Then you and Gu Fenghua come with me, and the others wait outside."

Hua Qianyue took Gu Fenghua and Bai Rongyu to the array room.

Hua Mingyu waited outside with a hurt face, and then he turned his head and looked at Luo Enen and others unkindly.

"What do you want to do? Let me tell you, my second uncle is inside. If you dare to do anything to me, my second uncle will not let you go, and will definitely drive you out." Hua Mingyu said sternly. If his calves were not shaking like convulsions, the way he spoke would really feel a bit pretentious.

"Do you know why your second uncle didn't respond to Gu Fenghua's words? Are you angry and sad and feel wronged, why did your second uncle not uphold justice for you when you were insulted by Fenghua?" Lorne En asked with a smile.

"You, do you know why?" Hua Mingyu asked tremblingly, subconsciously took two steps back, always feeling that Luo Enen's smile was scary.

"Because what Fenghua said is all the truth. So your second uncle has nothing to say, and he probably thinks so in his heart. But you can't hurt your self-esteem by saying that." Luo Enen still smiled, but what he said, The lethality is absolutely no less than Gu Fenghua, even higher than Gu Fenghua.

Oh, between sisters, it's right to help make up the knife, it's right. Luo Enen was very happy.

In fact, like Gu Fenghua, she hated Hua Mingyu very much at the beginning, although she still hates it now. It's just because of Master Hua's face, they won't really do anything to Hua Mingyu. But "spiritual attack" is still possible.

Hua Mingyue's face was ashen, shaking her head: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible..."

Lorn snorted coldly, ignored him, and looked expectantly in the direction of the formation room.

"It's done!!!" Suddenly, Hua Qianyue's roar came from inside the formation room, and the ecstasy in her voice almost rushed out of the formation room's door.

Lornen and the others looked at each other, with unconcealable surprise in their eyes.

It's done! Bai Rongyu really repaired the array. The defensive formation can be opened, and they can finally reach a city safely.

Hua Mingyu was still in a daze, and hadn't recovered yet.

Soon, the stone door of the formation room slowly opened, revealing Hua Qianyue's face full of ecstasy, next to him was a calm-faced Bai Rongyu, and finally followed by Gu Fenghua with a calm expression.

Only Luo Enen, who was most familiar with Gu Fenghua, noticed that Gu Fenghua seemed to be thinking about something.

Could it be that the repair of the disk array did not go well this time? No, didn't Hua Qianyue say it was done with a beaming face? What happened to Fenghua? Why do you seem to have encountered something incomprehensible?

You can only ask her privately later what's going on.

"Is it done?" Luo Enen went forward and asked Gu Fenghua.

"Well, it's fixed. The defensive formation can be activated." Gu Fenghua nodded, and at this moment a smile finally appeared on her face.

If it continues like this along the way, and the monsters continue to attack, they really don't know how long they can last. But now that the defensive formation can be activated, a hanging heart can finally be let go a little bit.

"Mr. Bai, this time is really thanks to you. And Gu Fenghua, thanks to you too." Hua Qianyue was full of joy, and sincerely thanked the two of them.

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