The news that the disk array had been repaired quickly spread throughout the flying boat like it had grown wings. For a while, there was joy. And when everyone heard that the person who repaired the array was actually the person Gu Fenghua rescued, they felt complicated.

Some were thankful that Gu Fenghua didn't stop Gu Fenghua from saving people at that time, some lamented that good people have good rewards, and some were full of interest in Bai Rongyu who repaired the array.

Hua Qianyue ordered to advance at full speed, telling the guards to be more careful and not to take it lightly. Then he ordered all the disciples to go back to repair. If there is a wave of monsters, the defensive formation can't resist it, and they still need to fight.

After Gu Fenghua and his group went back, Luo Enen pestered Bai Rong and asked him if he was a formation master and who he learned the formation from.

Bai Rongyu took out a pen and paper in a good-tempered manner, and started talking with everyone.

Only Gu Fenghua remained silent, thinking a little.

After everyone dispersed, Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen returned to the house, Luo Enen asked Gu Fenghua in a low voice: "Fenghua, is there something wrong? Or is there something wrong with Bai Rongyu?"

"No, this Bai Rong and I haven't found any problems so far. However, I can't see through his cultivation base. I also observed when I was repairing the array just now. This Bai Rong and I are not simple. Fei Zhou The formation disk is really as complicated as I guessed, and it needs to be proficient in formation techniques and weapon refining to repair it. Bai Rongyu has actually done it. He is very strong and proficient in formation techniques and weapon refining. This person is a real genius." Gu Fenghua is telling the truth.

"So powerful?" Luo Enen sighed in surprise, "It looks a bit feminine, I didn't expect it to be so powerful."

"It's amazing. But that's not what I care about." Gu Fenghua said in a deep voice.

"Then what are you worried about?" Lonen wondered.

"It's not a worry. I always feel that this journey is very unusual. I don't know if it is targeting some people, or all the people on our flying boat." Gu Fenghua frowned, "And the people who destroy the array, I always think , is the people on the flying boat. But why do you do this?"

"It's the people on the flying boat?!" Lornen was surprised.

"I'm just guessing." Gu Fenghua's face was a little dignified, "Do you still remember what you said?"

"What do you mean? Roast goose is delicious, let's find a place to buy some fried ice flowers next time?" Lonen asked with wide-eyed eyes.

Gu Fenghua: "..." What should I do, I really want to slap this guy who knows how to eat.

"You said it, it's as if you want to feed us to monsters." Gu Fenghua had no choice but to help Luo Enen remember.

"Yes, I really feel this way. Monster beasts are attacking continuously, as if they know that our defensive array cannot be opened." Lorn snorted coldly and said angrily.

"Yes!" Gu Fenghua stood up abruptly, "It's as if they know that we can't activate the defensive array." Gu Fenghua's heart suddenly brightened. Yes, everything can be connected.

The array was damaged, and the monsters attacked wave after wave.

Who can communicate with monsters and control so many monsters?

"Fenghua, what's the matter?" Lonen asked hastily.

"For the next journey, there will be no monsters coming." Gu Fenghua sat down slowly and said in a cold voice.

"Ah?" Luo Enen wondered, why is Fenghua so sure that there will be no monsters coming?

"If I'm not wrong." Gu Fenghua narrowed his eyes slightly, and a figure appeared in his mind.

Focusing on this matter for the past two days is going to blow my mind. The Chengdu No. 7 Middle School Experimental College has a tuition fee of more than 50,000 yuan a year, but the students are given meals made of moldy and smelly ingredients. The children had dizziness, nosebleeds, blood in the stool, and diarrhea. Parents thought it was the cause of their children's health. The result is that the school cafeteria feeds all these cancer-causing garbage. There is a lot of trouble now, and the parents are all going to the school gate to ask for a solution.

However, it is now in the two sessions, and the higher authorities are strictly prohibited from reporting this matter. But can this matter be suppressed? Parents of thousands of students spent 50,000 yuan a year, but ended up handing the knife to the school, letting the school poison their children slowly. Really devoid of conscience. How to deal with these in the end? It's nothing more than dismissal and a fine, which is painless. This kind of routine of earning hundreds of millions and fines tens of millions is the current situation in China. I'm really going to die of anger, why don't these people who make such black-hearted money die?

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