My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1780 The Male Disciple of the Jade Girl Sect

But it's different when you come to a school, there are more and more people, and you may accidentally reveal your identity and be approached by that person, so of course Gu Fenghua must remain vigilant when facing strangers.

"Let me tell you, there is nothing I don't know about Wuji Shengtian. If you want to find someone, just ask me." Stroking the beard on his face, he patted his chest and said confidently.

"Thank you, we're not looking for anyone." Gu Fenghua didn't have the heart to talk to him, so he pulled Lonen and walked towards a school.

A city is built on the mountain, the further you go inward, the higher the terrain, and at the highest point of the city, there is a stone ladder leading to the top of the mountain. From a distance, you can see an ancient palace in the middle of the floating clouds. It is obvious that it is a school palace.

"Wait, don't rush to leave if you don't look for someone." Before walking a few steps, the bearded man chased after him again.

"Why are you following us? What exactly do you want to do?" Lonen pressed the hilt of his sword fiercely. Mainly, this guy's appearance really doesn't look like a good person at first glance. It was so strange to keep chasing after them.

"You two girls wait for me, don't get me wrong. Wait for me." The bearded man chased after him and waved his hand to explain.

"What are you waiting for?" Lonen glared at this person, always feeling that this person was inexplicable.

"Don't do it, don't do it. This is a city. If you do it without permission, you will not only be expelled from the city, but you may also be deprived of your cultivation." The bearded man stopped quickly and said with a terrified expression.

"Enen, don't be impulsive." Gu Fenghua also held down Luo Enen's hand that was about to draw his sword.

With a little brainstorming, one can think that a city is actually a subordinate city of a school, and a school was built by a monarch, and it is regarded as a holy place for cultivation by countless sects, so how can it allow people to act wild?

If Lornen made a rash move, he would definitely cause disaster. Although the fifth miss of the Gu family is not afraid of causing trouble, but why would she cause such trouble for no reason? Isn't that against herself?

"The two girls misunderstood. I'm going to a school too. I happen to be traveling with you. I don't have any ill intentions." The bearded man took this opportunity to quickly explain.

"You also want to go to a school, are you a sect disciple?" Luo Enen asked in surprise.

Seeing that this guy was dressed in ordinary clothes, had a bad image, and was full of boastful words, Lornen thought he was a little hooligan who made a living by cheating and abducting. He never thought that he was also a disciple of a sect who went to a school.

"Yes, I am a disciple of the Jade Maiden Sect. This time, our Jade Maiden Sect defeated Jianwu Zong and Qingfeng Sect and got a one-way palace talisman. I was ordered by my master to come to a school to practice and cultivate." The bearded man said , taking out a jade talisman triumphantly.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen took a closer look, and found that this jade talisman was exactly the same as a palace talisman on them.

"Are you really a disciple of the Jade Maiden Sect?" Although the palace amulet was not fake, Luo Enen still asked suspiciously.

"Didn't you all see one of my palace symbols?" The bearded man gave Lonen a strange look.

"But you're a man, how could you be a disciple of the Jade Girl Sect?" Luo Enen's expression was even weirder than his.

"Oh, you said this. I am an outcast. I was picked up by the master and returned to the Jade Girl Sect. Later, I was accepted as a disciple. Also, who said that the Jade Girl Sect has no male disciples. Besides me, there are dozens of male disciples in the Jade Girl Sect. As for the disciples, they all stayed at Zhenggang Peak, but they practiced together with women since they were young, and all of them have become delicate and full of makeup, so they are not as majestic as me." The bearded man stroked his face habitually. With a beard all over his face, he said triumphantly.

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