My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1781 This is the pain of his life

Looking majestic and masculine? Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen subconsciously looked at his thin body, and then at his beard. To be honest, he just looks a bit like a human with a big beard... oh no, except that he looks like a monkey, he really can't see any mightiness from his whole body.

Could it be that this guy deliberately grew a big beard because he was afraid that others would say that he was too fat? Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen secretly guessed.

"Are you afraid that others will say that you look like a woman, so you grow a beard like this?" Gu Fenghua was introverted and wanted to think about it, but he didn't say much. Just asked.

"Hey, how do you know?" The bearded man was proudly showing off his masculinity, without thinking about it, he subconsciously replied.

As soon as the words came out, the expressions of Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen became even more strange. So, even through the big beard, he could see his face turn from white to red, and then to black. Being said to be like a woman, this is the pain of his life, hey, he is a big man!

"By the way, don't you guys want to go to a school? Let me tell you, if you go to a school like this, your whole life will be over." The bearded man quickly changed the subject while hiding his embarrassment.

"Oh?" Gu Fenghua and both of them looked at him suspiciously. Knowing that this guy is also a sect disciple who is about to go to a school to practice and practice, they are much less wary.

"Do you think that as long as you enter a school, you can learn the best cultivation techniques, the holy sword technique?" The bearded man wagged his fingers, asking himself mysteriously, "No, no, learn together!" There are eight academies in the palace, with different strengths and weak ones, high and low status, if you join a powerful academies, of course you can reach the sky in one step, but if you join a weak academies, it may be better for you to stay in your own sect and cultivate slowly."

"It's obviously a place of practice, why is it called an academy?" Luo Enen asked puzzled.

"Don't you guys know the origin and origin of Lord Yiyi?" the bearded man asked.

Needless to say, although Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen had heard of the name of Zhang Yidao, the envoy of a king, they really knew nothing about his origin, so they shook their heads at the same time.

"That's right, although Lord Daoyi is famous in the Wuji Holy Heaven, few people really know his origin." Having said that, the bearded man began to show off his knowledge and knowledge, " This gentleman envoy is actually not a saint teacher, but a scholar.

As you all know, before that catastrophe, there was no distinction between Wuji Shengtian and Tianji Continent. The entire continent stood side by side. Countless young people studied the books of sages and sages in order to obtain fame, and one of them was Lord Envoy. one.

However, unlike others, Master Daoyi is talented and intelligent. He has been known as a genius since he was a child, and he is even regarded as a star of Wenqu. On the road of cultivation, it can be said that it can be achieved overnight, and one will directly become a strong one.

Later, when the catastrophe came, and the continent was divided into two parts, a king envoy resolutely, after the catastrophe, he became one of the six great sage kings under the envoy of Tianji Lord, but he never forgot his desire to learn, and created a school with his own hands. Palace, the practice below is also named after the Academy. Because he was the first to establish the academy, the practice places established by other emperors and envoys were all named after the academy. "

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