My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1790 Some are here to try their luck

"What's going on here?" They went to six or seven houses one after another, and they were all greeted with headaches. Hu Moyu, who was scolded bloody, hugged his head, his face wrinkled into a bitter melon.

"It doesn't make sense, it's different from what you said. Are these people so righteous?" Luo Enen frowned. She believed in Hu Moyu's words, and believed that these people would indeed accept gifts, but how did they get here? Is it different?

The attitudes of each of them are dragging to the sky, and they are even swearing, what's going on? If it wasn't for a school, if it wasn't for seeing that even though they were only housekeepers, those guys were all very capable, and his motives were indeed a little impure, Miss Yi Luo's temper would have gone crazy long ago.

"No way, these people changed their ways in just one night? I don't believe it." Hu Moyu was also confused.

At this moment, the three of them saw with their own eyes a disciple visit the steward, then took out a gift, and was finally welcomed in with a smile on his face.

Gu Fenghua frowned, did these butlers accept gifts selectively, or... just didn't accept them?

"Let's go, find a place to live first, anyway, tomorrow is the day to open the palace to accept apprentices, maybe there will be an answer then." Gu Fenghua said lightly.

The matter is so obvious, of course Gu Fenghua guessed the trick, Hua Mingyu's annoying face also appeared in his mind. This guy is still not good, but there is no way, who let this idiot have a backstage.

It seems that it is not so easy to live and practice in a school in peace!

However, Gu Fenghua snorted coldly in his heart, so what? Soldiers come to block the water and cover it with soil. As for Hua Mingyu, if he had the chance, he would beat him up. This mentally handicapped person deserves a beating. I hope I can play him smarter in the future.


In the early morning, the faint mist floats in the mountains, and the morning sun falls on it, like golden waves surging. A school stands in this golden sea of ​​clouds, which is more solemn and sacred.

Although it was still early, the gate of the academy was already crowded with young people from various sects, and everyone's face was full of yearning and expectation.

"Why are there so many people? I thought there were only a few hundred people." Looking at the crowded crowd, Lornen said in surprise.

Although there are quite a few sects under the jurisdiction of the Monarch Envoy, the number of people recruited by Yi Yi Academy is limited. There are only two places for the top-rank sect, and only one for the middle-rank sect (in some special cases, there can be two places for the middle-rank sect). quota), and the lower-rank sects will have to compete for a place among three schools. According to their original estimates, the number of disciples of the sect who are lucky enough to come to a school to experience and practice this time is nothing more than hundreds or thousands of people. But looking at the situation in front of them, at least there are As many as tens of thousands of people.

"Basically, every time a school opens to accept disciples, in addition to the disciples of the major sects, there are also some strong men who hide from the world, and the other major holy sects will also send disciples to practice and practice. Thousands of people." Hu Moyu said absent-mindedly.

After hearing his words, Gu Fenghua and the others suddenly realized. Thinking about it, the disciples recruited by a school must come from various sects, big and small, and it is impossible for all of them to rush to Lanshan City. Those who go with them all the way are actually only a part of them.

"Then there are others?" Lonen then asked.

"Others are here to try their luck." Hu Moyu replied.

"Trying luck?" Lornen was even more puzzled.

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