My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1791 He is the only one who is really anxious

"Although they don't have a palace talisman, what if they are lucky enough to be picked up by some academy and make an exception to recruit them? Although the possibility of this is very small, there is always hope anyway." Hu Moyu explained.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen will feel sorry for this. As saints, who doesn't want to get stronger skills and skills, who doesn't want to have better cultivation resources, but a school only accepts so many people, Those who don't have a palace talisman can only rely on this method to try their luck.

Gu Fenghua took a closer look, and found that some people in the crowd were excited, but their expressions were determined. These people were obviously holding a palace talisman with confidence in their chests. But more people are excited and expecting but also uneasy, and there is even some tragic look in their eyes. These, obviously, do not have a palace talisman, and they are purely here to try their luck.

In fact, these people's strength is also very good. In terms of their age, if they are placed in Tianji Continent, they are all geniuses among geniuses, and even in Wuji Holy Heaven, they are definitely not mediocre. But even so, they can only come to a school to try their luck, and it can even be said that they are pinning their whole life on luck.

From this, it is not difficult to see how rare the opportunity to join a school is.

"It doesn't make sense, it really doesn't make sense. When I saw me a few days ago, I was fine, and everyone couldn't close their mouths with smiles. How could it be like that yesterday?" Hu Moyu was not at all excited, still thinking about it I was brooding over what happened yesterday, and after much deliberation, I just couldn't think of an answer.

"Forget it, don't think about it, anyway, you have already sent out the gift, I don't think they will make things difficult for you." Gu Fenghua comforted. In fact, she had roughly guessed the reason, so she didn't even bother to think about what happened yesterday.

"That's what I said, but taking people's money to eliminate disasters, I took your money, how can I do it if I don't get things done?" Hu Moyu stroked the beard on his face, and said with a face of self-blame .

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen didn't expect Hu Moyu to be so trustworthy, and they were a little surprised.

"I'll think of a solution later, don't worry." Hu Moyu thought for a long time, still confused, and said unwillingly.

"Don't bother, everything will be fine." Gu Fenghua comforted Hu Moyu.

She had already guessed the reason, and knew that it was useless to be anxious, so she didn't worry at all. As for Luo Enen, who was tricked like that since she was a child, she didn't have the heart and lungs to live well. How could she be anxious at a time like this? Therefore, the one who is really anxious is actually Hu Moyu himself.

"Master Shi of the main courtyard of the main courtyard is coming. Disciples of various sects who hold a palace talisman come forward, and the idlers wait to retreat." Before Hu Moyu could figure out a way, the gate of the academy slowly opened, and a man with a look A solemn middle-aged man came out.

Immediately, nearly a thousand young saints stepped forward quickly, and more young saints retreated like a tide.

Of course, the former was full of pride, while the latter was full of envy. Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen, and Hu Moyu are of course also among the former, but Gu Fenghua and his two have seen many big scenes from Tianji Continent all the way to the present, and their expressions are much calmer. Hu Moyu was only thinking hard, and he was far less excited than others.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of old men came out of the opened palace gate and took their seats before the sapphire case that had been set up in front of the palace gate.

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