"There are nine academies in our school. Each academy has its own strengths, but the requirements for spiritual root qualifications are also different. You go up to check the spiritual root qualifications one by one, and then each of our academies chooses talents. Choose, so as not to waste your talents and delay your future." Shen Zhengxing continued.

As soon as the words fell, the young people in front lined up in front of the Qingshi desks in the major academies. Afraid of offending your lords, no one dared to fight or squeeze, and everyone was orderly and orderly.

After the teams are lined up, the strengths of the major academies will be clear at a glance. The front row of Liangyi Academy has the most people, which is actually Jiugong Academy, followed by Liuhe Academy, and actually... at the end of Yiyuan Academy, there is no one there.

After the Qingyu case, Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu both blushed and lowered their heads, wishing they could bury their heads in the sockets of their knees. Although I had already guessed that this would be the result, but when I faced it, I still couldn't avoid embarrassment. It's no wonder Master himself doesn't want to come here, it's really embarrassing, embarrassing, embarrassing...

"This is the strange stone left by the first principal of my Liangyi Academy. It is called the Liangyi Stone of Heaven and Earth. Put one of your palace symbols here, and then inject your holy energy and spiritual thoughts with all your strength." Shen Zhengxing took out a piece The stone, about a foot high, said to the young saint standing in front.

At the same time, the history of the main courtyard of other major academies also produced very similar stones.

It is said to be very similar because these stones are all pitch black, but they are so black and so pure. If you keep staring at it intently, it's as if your sight is sucked into it, and even your whole body falls into a bottomless black hole.

The only difference is that the size of each black stone is slightly different, and the appearance is also strange.

And on top of each black stone, there is a depression, judging from its shape, it can fit a palace talisman.

Without hesitation, the young saint standing at the front immediately took out a palace talisman and embedded it in the black stone. Soon, streaks of light appeared on the jade talisman, and strange lights flickered in front of the gate of the academy.

And every streak of light is also strong and weak, the strong ones are dazzling, but the weak ones are only faintly visible.

No need to explain, everyone can guess that the strength of this light pattern proves the level of aptitude, even if it is not an absolute level, it can also prove whether this person is suitable for practicing the sacred skills of this academy.

"The aptitude is good, just suitable for practicing the exercises of this academy. You can stay. Of course, you can also go to other academies to have a look."

"Your aptitude is not suitable for this school's exercises, but it doesn't matter, you can go to other academies to try." Shen Zhengxing and others said to the young people in front of them.

Those who were selected basically stayed happily. After all, they had already made up their minds before queuing up. With their own qualifications, it was already a blessing to be favored by the academy in front of them, so there was no need to go to other schools. The academy is trying its luck, otherwise what if they are not selected by other academies and they change their minds when they come back?

Those who were not selected were not discouraged, and immediately went to other academies to take the test. Anyway, they had palace amulets in their hands, so a school would not reject them no matter what.

Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen also stood in front of Liangyi Academy, moving forward with the team. They came to Wuji Shengtian to pursue the way of the real strong. If they want to choose, of course they must choose the strongest academy, otherwise they might as well stay in Tianji Continent.

After waiting for more than two hours, it was finally Gu Fenghua's turn.

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