"What's your name, which sect's disciples are you?" Shen Zhengxing asked. He has asked the same question many times, so he didn't even lift his head when he asked.

"Junior Gu Fenghua (Luo Enen), comes from Nanli Sect." Gu Fenghua and the others replied.

Shen Zhengxing raised his head abruptly, and took a closer look at Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen.

Although Hua Mingyu was still in the team, he had already been accepted as his disciple yesterday. Generally speaking, except for his slightly weaker body, he was quite satisfied with the talent of this new disciple. And the shame of the apprentice is of course the shame of the master, so he has long wanted to see how much Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen are worth.

After looking at it, Shen Zhengxing was very disdainful: I thought it was too much, but it turned out that it was just a picture of two young girls, especially the one named Gu Fenghua, who looked weak and weak. How good is the talent and strength? It seems that they only dared to fight Hua Mingyu because of the support of Nan Lizong on their own territory.

"You all know what to do, let's start." Shen Zhengxing said indifferently, no longer taking Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen seriously.

"Fenghua, you come first." Luo Enen said politely to Gu Fenghua.

"You should come first." Gu Fenghua said. She could already see that after waiting for more than two hours, Lornen was impatient.

"Okay, then I won't be polite." Luo Enen took two steps forward, embedded a palace talisman into the Liangyi Heaven and Earth Stone, and then injected it with holy energy and divine sense.

"When, when, when..." The holy time instrument on the gate of the academy would make a soft sound every few breaths.

After more than ten breaths, the jade talisman did not move at all.

Luo Enen was careless and indifferent at first, but now he is a little anxious. I remember that when the disciples of the sect tested their spiritual root qualifications, usually within a few breaths, the palace talisman would flash with light, but it took more than ten breaths It's time, why hasn't there been any reaction? Is her aptitude so bad?

Miss Luo is not afraid of other things, but she is most afraid of losing face (Of course, Miss Luo has lost a lot of face, but the problem is that she forgets it after passing, so it doesn't become a habit to lose face) , so he tried his best to inject holy energy and spiritual thoughts into the Liangyi Tiandi Stone.

Time flies by quickly, and before you know it, half a quarter of an hour has passed. Miss Luo's face had already turned red, and a thin layer of sweat oozed from her forehead, but there was still no reaction to that palace talisman.

Everyone else noticed the strangeness here and turned their heads to look.

"It's been so long, why hasn't there been any response, isn't this aptitude too bad?" Someone said strangely

"I thought my aptitude was bad enough, but I didn't expect there to be someone with worse aptitude than me, haha." Someone also laughed gloatingly. Now that the test has been carried out, there are quite a few people who have been rejected by their favorite academy. They were depressed at first, but seeing that there are worse ones than themselves, their mood is much more comfortable.

"With such poor aptitude, she has the face to come to a school. I really don't know what her sect thinks, to hand over such a precious palace talisman to such a waste material." Of course, it is impossible to be so arrogant. The proud sect disciples cast contemptuous glances.

Hearing the surrounding discussion, Luo Enen blushed almost to the point of bleeding, and exerted all his strength to inject holy energy and spiritual thoughts into the Liangyi Tiandi Stone.

Unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, the jade talisman still didn't respond at all.

Gu Fenghua frowned slightly.

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