My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1796 It doesn't make sense

As the saying goes, there is a way in heaven and earth, there is a way in the holy law, and there is a way in swordsmanship. There are thousands of ways in the world, and everything has its own way. .

However, when he was in Tianji Continent, Gu Fenghua had never heard of the theory of Dao Yun, and only learned about it from ancient books after he went to Nanli Sect.

Although he doesn't know what the dao rhyme contained in this piece of Liangyi heaven and earth is, Gu Fenghua can be sure that if he can comprehend it, it will bring great benefits to his cultivation, and he can even comprehend it. The holy law of sword skills from ancient to modern times.

At the same time when he noticed the wonderful dao rhyme, Gu Fenghua also understood the purpose of a palace talisman.

The dao rhyme was hidden too deeply, even with her powerful divine sense, it was as if she was thrown into the Liangyi heaven and earth stone directly, let alone enlightened, and she couldn't even catch a clear trace of dao rhyme.

As for the hidden formation in a palace talisman, Gu Fenghua didn't know what the formation was doing before, but now he can vaguely feel it. To put it simply, this is a bridge, only through it can one feel the wonderful rhyme of Taoism.

Wanting to understand this point, Gu Fenghua spared no effort to inject holy energy and spiritual thoughts into a palace talisman.

Gradually, Gu Fenghua frowned.

Between a palace talisman and the Liangyi Tiandi Stone, there is actually a barrier, only through this barrier can she touch the mysterious Dao Yun. However, no matter how she tried her best and tried her best, she still couldn't pass through.

And that jade talisman, just like the one with Lornen before, didn't respond at all.

"I give up." Before he knew it, half a quarter of an hour was about to pass, Gu Fenghua withdrew his hand and said decisively.

After countless attempts, she finally realized that in order to touch the rhyme, she still needs some opportunity, and this opportunity should be the spiritual root qualification that Shen Zhengxing said earlier. Only when the aptitude of the spiritual root is in harmony with this rhythm world can it be touched with the help of a palace talisman, so as to comprehend the mystery of it.

And if the spiritual root's aptitude is not suitable for him, then he can only rely on his strength to forcibly break through that barrier. Gu Fenghua doesn't know how much strength is needed to break through that barrier, but she can be sure that with her current strength alone, if she doesn't have enough time, she might not have it at all.

No matter how hard you try to do things that you know you can't do, it's useless, so Gu Fenghua resolutely chose to give up.

"Hahahaha, another piece of trash, I said why is she so affectionate, she is willing to give up the opportunity to join Liangyi Academy for the sake of a friend, and she has been making trouble for a long time, so she knows that she has no hope, so she is just pretending."

"No, I have seen her strength with my own eyes. She is very strong, very strong. How could she be so poor in aptitude?" Someone also said in puzzlement.

Like Gu Fenghua, this person also set off from Lanshan City. He had seen Gu Fenghua make a move with his own eyes. It could even be said that he was able to save his life thanks to her. It is really hard to believe that Gu Fenghua's aptitude would be so poor.

"Yeah, it doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense." Not only him, but other people who have seen Gu Fenghua's attack also find it incomprehensible.

"There is nothing impossible about this. Those who can come to a school are not carefully cultivated by the sect. Maybe their cultivation base is poured out with holy pills, and their aptitude may not be so good." Immediately, someone retorted.

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