My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1797 The strong are respected forever

"Take you as an example. You dare to say that you have your own cultivation, not because the sect put a lot of cultivation resources on you. You really dare to say that your aptitude is far superior to other sects. Don't." Someone else said more directly.

The man's face turned red, and he was speechless after being refuted by the two. To be honest, although his aptitude is good, compared with other fellows, it is really not so good that he can have the current cultivation base , It is true that the sect spared no effort to pile up all kinds of natural materials, earthly treasures, panacea, and miraculous medicines. Since he can do this, why can't Gu Fenghua?

Seeing him shut up, the other people who had seen Gu Fenghua make a move stopped talking again, probably acquiescing to what others said.

"Good calculation, good calculation, knowing that it is impossible for me to pass the test, I just give up voluntarily, which can not only save face, but also put on airs in front of my friends. Why didn't I think of such a good way?" Seeing no one refute, the crowd There was another burst of ridicule.

Many people were moved when they saw that Gu Fenghua was willing to give up the test at Liangyi Academy for the sake of Luo Enen.

You must know that the higher the level of cultivation, the higher the requirements for cultivation resources and cultivation techniques. In order to obtain more powerful cultivation techniques and more abundant cultivation resources, there are not a few fathers and sons who turn against brothers and become enemies. Giving up a bright future for the sake of friends.

But when Gu Fenghua also chose to give up, they realized that she was not serious about love, but that she knew that she would never pass the test, so she gave up directly to save face, and even blatantly said it was for her friends. Shameless, simply too shameless!

"What did you say?" Others don't know who Gu Fenghua is, but doesn't Lonen know? Hearing the sarcasm from all around, Miss Luo flew into a rage and pressed down on the hilt of her sword.

It's okay to humiliate her, but to humiliate Gu Fenghua? No matter who it is, absolutely not.

"Let's go, don't pay attention to them." Gu Fenghua looked normal, and pulled Lonen towards Jiugong Academy.

Since she was a child, she was regarded as useless and ridiculed in every possible way. She has long learned to deal with it calmly. Hearing the endless ridicule around him, he even felt a little strange intimacy.

"Why ignore them and dare to say that about you, let me deal with them properly." Lorn said angrily.

"This is a school, do you want to be kicked out?" Gu Fenghua pressed her wrist and reminded.

"Even if you are kicked out of a school, I can't let them say that about you." Loenen said resolutely.

Seeing the anger on Luo Enen's face and the hand tightly holding the hilt of the sword, Gu Fenghua felt a warm current in his heart.

"If you are bitten by a dog, do you have to bite back?" Gu Fenghua said lightly.

Lornen was taken aback, but didn't know how to answer.

"If you want to be respected by others, you have to prove your qualifications and strength. It's meaningless to bite like a pack of dogs." Gu Fenghua continued.

"Well, you're right. Didn't they laugh at us for being useless? Then let us prove to them what a genius is." Luo Enen was inspired by Gu Hua's words, straightened up and faced Go to Jiugong Academy.

"By the way, you can continue the test. Let's go first." When they were leaving, the two suddenly remembered the Humo language again, and greeted each other by the way.

Although they haven't known each other for a long time and don't know much, but Hu Moyu is quite loyal, and they have a good impression of him.

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