Gu Fenghua and the others were also a little surprised. This Taoist hall looks simple from the outside, but it is extremely spacious and majestic inside. The stone pillars supporting the dome inside and the surrounding stone walls are all carved with murals. The scene of the arrival, but they are all similar, and the wall in front of them is not different from the others.

"Our nine academies have their own secrets that have not been handed down to this day. The reason why one academy fell is because the most important inheritance of skills was cut off, and this inheritance was sealed in this stone wall. It's just that the time of this incident It was too long ago, so I didn't mention it to you." Tantai Baiyi took a deep breath and said with a lonely expression.

"Master, do you want Senior Sister Fenghua to open the seal?" Qin Hanyu asked. Although she is ignorant of world affairs, after all, she has stayed in Yiyuan Academy for so many years, and when it comes to matters related to cultivation, her reaction is not slow.

"Not bad." Tantai Baiyi said loudly.

"Master, are you too anxious? Although we have seen with our own eyes how good Senior Sister Fenghua's aptitude is, she has just come to the academy after all, so it is impossible for her to be stronger than your old master, Master. She can't even beat you!" How could she break the opened seal, what if there is danger?" Shen Tinglan said anxiously. It's not that he doubts Gu Fenghua's strength, but he is worried about her safety.

Not only Shen Tinglan, but also Luo Enen and Hu Moyu were also worried. On the contrary, Gu Fenghua himself wasn't too worried, he looked at the wall thoughtfully, and didn't know what he was thinking.

"You don't understand." Tantai Baiyi had no choice but to force himself to calm down when he saw how worried the people were, and said patiently, "It doesn't take too much strength to break the seals, but a better one." Spiritual root aptitude, but what is the use of this spiritual root aptitude? Why do all major academies use strange stones from outside the sky to test their spiritual root aptitude when recruiting disciples?"

"Why?" Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu asked subconsciously.

"Because in this stone wall, there is a power of a divine beast, which is the key to unlocking the seal and comprehending the inheritance. But this power of the divine beast is not useful if you want to use it. It requires spiritual root aptitude and the power of the divine beast. Compatibility can only be destroyed, and the higher the degree of compatibility, the stronger the power of the beast can be activated, the more seals can be opened, and the stronger the inheritance of comprehension will be." Tantai Baiyi replied.

"So that's the case, but our Yiyuan Academy has been in decline for thousands of years. Could it be that in these tens of thousands of years, there has not been a senior with extraordinary talent who destroyed the power of the beast to comprehend the inheritance?" Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu finally realized , but soon felt something was wrong.

Although the current Yiyuan Academy is so weak that it is about to be delisted by the Nine Academies, this decline did not happen overnight. The former Yiyuan Academy could still recruit many disciples. Could it be that none of them has a spiritual root qualification just right? The one that matches the power of the divine beast?

"Of course not. To be more specific, in the past ten thousand years, our Yiyuan Academy still has many seniors with outstanding qualifications, but the problem is that tens of thousands of years ago, most of the power of the beast suddenly disappeared, leaving only less than 10000 years ago. 10%, and this 10% has since fallen into silence, no matter how talented those seniors are, they can't wake them up, let alone motivate them."

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