My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1824 Waiting for tens of thousands of years to wait for you

"So, as early as tens of thousands of years ago, the Lord Yuanzheng of our Yiyuan Academy had a premonition of the decline of the academy, and left a last word. If one day, someone can arouse the power of the beast in the Yiyuan Heaven and Earth Stone to the extreme, It is very possible to awaken the power of the beast in the stone wall, and understand the inheritance within it, and my One Yuan Academy will rise again." Tantai Baiyi said with a high spirit.

"Understood, with Senior Sister Fenghua's extraordinary aptitude, she will definitely be able to awaken the power of that beast." Qin Hanyu thought of Gu Fenghua's amazing performance before, and thought of the miraculous figure of a strong man, excited and excited Said expectantly.

As a disciple of Yiyuan Academy, even if she is only a registered student, she hopes that Yiyuan Academy can become stronger again. And as a saint teacher, she also hoped that the power of the beast would never fall asleep again after being awakened by Gu Fenghua. In this way, she would also have the opportunity to comprehend the strongest inheritance of Yiyuan Academy.

"But no one has been able to awaken the power of the beast for tens of thousands of years. What if there is danger? I think it's better to wait for a while, let Sister Fenghua prepare, and master, you old man, prepare for it before you start." Shen Shen Ting Lan's temper was much calmer, but she was still a little worried when she heard the words.

"That's right, take it slow first, it's not too late to start after you think about a perfect plan." Tantai Baiyi followed the good advice, and after listening to Shen Tinglan's words, he also felt that he was too hasty, too hasty, after all, the spirit of the beast Li has been silent for thousands of years, and I don't know if there is any abnormal change. What if Gu Fenghua fails and suffers backlash?

One Yuan Academy has waited tens of thousands of years for her to appear and for such a chance to rise again, so don't be careless.

With that said, Tantai Baiyi was about to leave with a few people.

"No need, let's start now." At this moment, Gu Fenghua said unexpectedly.

It seems that her guess is almost inseparable. The power of the beast in Jiao Jiao really came from the One-Yuan Academy, and the decline of the One-Yuan Academy is indeed due to this reason.

Relying on the power of the phoenix in his body, Gu Fenghua believed that he was 90% sure of awakening the power of this divine beast, and even if he failed, he would never be backlashed.

Besides, she still has three bear children, even if Hei Yao and Juju are still in a deep sleep, Jianjian absorbed 30% of the power of the refined beast back then, which is much stronger than the 10% power of the beast in the stone wall If there are too many, just let it go.

"No, our Yiyuan Academy waited for tens of thousands of years before finally waiting for you, an excellent opportunity to revive the academy, we must not take any risks." Tantai Baiyi changed his previous excitement and shook his head and said.

"Your Majesty, please don't worry. Although my cultivation base is not high, I have put in a lot of hard work to get to where I am today. I will never take risks easily. I have enough confidence." Gu Fenghua said modestly, but his face Imbued with great self-confidence.

She could understand Tantai Baiyi's feeling of worrying about gains and losses at this time. After all, Yiyuan Academy had waited tens of thousands of years for this opportunity. As long as he calmed down a little, he would never let himself take risks.

Originally, she was not in a hurry, but she was afraid that Tantai Baiyi would look forward and backward, and the more she dragged on, the less she would dare to let herself take action. Instead of doing that, it would be better to cut the mess with a sharp knife.

Seeing Gu Fenghua's confident look, Tantai Baiyi hesitated.

In fact, the power of such a beast is a legendary existence in Wuji Shengtian. No matter how you prepare, it is impossible to be foolproof. How can there be a perfect plan? If Gu Fenghua is really sure enough, the difference is actually the same if you do it earlier and later. .

But when he thought that if Gu Fenghua failed, the revitalization opportunity that Yiyuan Academy had waited for tens of thousands of years would be destroyed in his own hands, and he couldn't help being entangled.

This feeling of being afraid of wolves and tigers is exactly what Gu Fenghua was worried about.

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