My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1831 I really found a treasure

This time, without waiting for Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen to look over, Hu Moyu took the initiative to take a step forward, fixed his eyes on Tantai Baiyi, and was ready for artificial respiration at any time. After listening to it once, I remembered this new word and roughly understood the meaning.

"What are you going to do?" Tantai Baiyi asked vigilantly after seeing him trembling.

"It's nothing, I'm afraid that Mr. Yuan Zheng will be too excited and something will happen." Hu Moyu said honestly.

Although he didn't say it clearly, but looking at Hu Moyu's bearded face, Tantai Baiyi still realized something, only felt a chill in his heart, but his mood immediately calmed down.

It seems that not only fat people, but also bearded men are not intimidating.

"Actually, there are still many shortcomings, so it can't be considered a real artifact." Gu Fenghua said. It's not that she's modest, it's the truth.

Although she has already learned the Art of Heshen from the four major methods of refining weapons, there are seven realms in the art of Heshen. In other words, it also has the power of a divine weapon, but at the same time, it also has many shortcomings. Strictly speaking, it still has some gaps compared with a real divine weapon.

"Even so, it's amazing." Tantai Baiyi said sincerely. After all, he is one of the nine abbots of the Yidao Academy. His eyesight is not bad, and it can be seen that this defensive necklace does have many shortcomings, and it is indeed somewhat inferior to the real artifact.

But how talented Gu Fenghua is, regardless of his cultivation, just talking about this technique of alchemy and weapon refining is enough to make anyone's jaw drop.

A treasure has been picked, and Yiyuan Academy has really picked a treasure this time! Tantai Baiyi was so excited that he almost looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, but he suppressed his excitement when he saw that Hu Moyu was still "staring at him".

"Master Yuanzheng, I want to try again, is that okay?" Gu Fenghua didn't want to mention the handprint, so he quickly returned to the topic.

The last time was too short, and it was the first time to use the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Seal, she couldn't clearly grasp the mystery of that rhyme, so she felt a little reconciled.

"Okay, okay." This time, Tantai Baiyi certainly would not object. In fact, he was equally curious about this rhyme.

Gu Fenghua adjusted his breath and concentrated, and after a while, he made a series of handprints again.

With the previous experience, Gu Fenghua no longer has any worries, and the handprints have become more fluent and free.

One after another runes, like spirits of light, fluttered and landed on the huge one-element heaven and earth stone, and soon, the power of the beast poured into the one-element heaven and earth stone again.

Light lines emerged, and the mysterious Dao Yun enveloped Gu Fenghua again.

Beside, including Tantai Baiyi, everyone held their breath, but their hands were clenched tightly because of excitement. On the other hand, Gu Fenghua frowned slightly.

Although her handprints this time were obviously much smoother than the last time, the rhyme was not much stronger than last time. If things continued like this, even if she did a complete set of handprints without stagnation, she would definitely still be unable to comprehend the rhythm. Layer rhyme. Even if she studied hard and practiced this mudra perfectly, it is probably the same result.

What's going on here?

Without wasting too much energy, Gu Fenghua soon thought of the reason. The power of the beast in this seal is only 10% of its original power, which is too weak compared to that dao yun. totally excited.

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