My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1832 Daheitan and Silly Baitian

If it were someone else, if they wanted to understand this point, they would have no choice but to give up, but Gu Fenghua was suddenly enlightened, and a look of joy appeared between his stretched brows.

"Baby, work has started." Gu Fenghua called out in his mind.

"Here comes the son, and it's time for me to show my talents. Jianjian is the most powerful demon pet of the master." Jianjian's smug voice immediately rang in his mind.

Before the words fell, a thin thorn hard to distinguish with the naked eye appeared on Gu Fenghua's fingertips, and a majestic and mighty force surged towards the One Yuan Heaven and Earth Stone.

"Qijian, how did your strength become so strong?" Gu Fenghua asked in surprise.

She clearly felt that besides Jianjian's Yaozhi spiritual power, this power seemed to contain other powers, which were obviously several times stronger than Jianjian's own Yaozhi spiritual power.

"I'm afraid that my Yaozhi's spiritual power is not enough, so I also borrowed Da Heitan and Silly White Sweet." Jianjian replied.

Big black charcoal, silly and sweet... No need to ask, Gu Fenghua also knows who Jianjian is talking about. It seems that this guy's jealousy still persists, and he has deep resentment towards the other two little guys.

"How did you borrow it?" Gu Fenghua wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and asked curiously.

"It's very simple, use my vines to pierce their buttocks, and they will be pulled out with one yank." Jianjian said casually.

"It won't hurt them, right?" The cold sweat on Gu Fenghua's forehead became more urgent. This method is simple and direct, very strong and violent.

"Don't worry, master, they won't be able to find it if you put a small eye on it." Jianjian said nonchalantly.

"I mean, if you extract their monster spirit power, won't it hurt them?" Gu Fenghua was a little mad. Am I talking about piercing a few small eyes? I'm talking about the spiritual power of monsters?

The little bear cub has rough skin and thick flesh, let alone a small eye, even if it is pierced into a sieve, it may not hurt it. Although the little fox is weaker, it is still a spirit fox with three tails. It can't hurt it, but it will be different if you extract the spiritual power of the monster, that is the root of the monster. Gu Fenghua was really worried that Jianjian would play around on a whim and turn the two little guys into bears and foxes.

"Of course not. Didn't you find out, master? Those two guys are not ordinary monsters. Even if they are not divine beasts, they will never be so bad. Well...the possibility of divine beasts is actually greater. In short, I I can only borrow their monster spirit power, and I have to return it later, otherwise my own monster plant spirit power will be absorbed and refined by them, and I don't want to kill myself." said Jianjian.

Only then did Gu Fenghua feel relieved, thinking about it carefully, his worries were really unnecessary. The little bear cub and the little fox are not ordinary monsters, so how could they be sucked into jerky so easily?

Thinking of this, Gu Fenghua suddenly thought of another thing, when did Jianjian have such supernatural powers again, and was able to borrow the spiritual power of monsters?

Don't look at her, although she has a contract with the other two bear children to connect physically, mentally and spiritually, but they haven't realized the supernatural power of the unity of human and pet. If it wasn't for the help of Jianjian, she really couldn't directly borrow their demon power like this Beast power.

This bitch can always bring her unexpected surprises.

Gu Fenghua let go of his worries and no longer worried, and made his fingerprints wholeheartedly.

The halos full of dao rhyme resurfaced again, the light became brighter and brighter, and a majestic and ethereal figure actually condensed in a vague way.

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