My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1839 You are really good at fooling around

"That's right, Senior Sister Enen, you've been exhausted all the way, and you've just come to the academy, so take a good night's rest first, and study again tomorrow when you've recharged your energy, or you'll regret it if something goes wrong." Shen Tinglan kindly said Said.

Although Gu Fenghua easily awakened the power of the beast, learned the one-element mudra, and then comprehended the one-element Huntian Kungfu as a matter of course, but this does not mean that there is no danger in comprehending Daoyun.

After all, not everyone has Gu Fenghua's aptitude. At least from what she saw before, although Loenen's aptitude is also very good, it still cannot be compared with Gu Fenghua.

"Okay, let's get enough energy first, and come back tomorrow." Hearing what she said, Luo Enen remembered that he had just arrived at the Yiyuan Academy, and he hadn't formally joined the Yiyuan Academy yet, so he was so eager to learn other people's skills It's a bit too thick-skinned to learn the secret method of mudra and understand the ultimate inheritance of others.

"Well, come back tomorrow, come back tomorrow." Hu Moyu didn't think about anything now, only Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen followed suit. Since Gu Fenghua didn't speak, and Luo Enen said so again, of course he wouldn't have any objections.

Tantai Baiyi went first, followed by Gu Fenghua, Luo Enen and others, and the group quickly returned to the courtyard.

"It was supposed to clean up the dust for you, but I didn't expect that someone would join our Yiyuan Academy, so I didn't make much preparations. I'll cook two more side dishes, and you guys will take care of it." Opening the courtyard door, Tantai Baiyi said politely.

"Your Majesty, don't worry about it, just feel free," Gu Fenghua said.

"Sit down first, just wait for a while." Tantai Baiyi said before entering the room.

Judging from his tone, it was obvious that he still didn't want to neglect Gu Fenghua and the others. It's just such a trivial thing as frying a few dishes, of course Gu Fenghua doesn't need to argue with him.

Soon, there was the sound of a pot being moved inside.

"Does Master Yuanzheng cook in his room?" Gu Fenghua asked curiously.

"Well, it's not as simple as cooking, it's about comprehending the holy way." Shen Tinglan said solemnly.

"The way to enter the world." Qin Hanyu added, also with a solemn expression.

Well, that feeling of magic stick came up again. Gu Fenghua and the others looked at each other, no matter how they looked at them, they felt that these two little girls looked like good men and women who had been brainwashed by magic sticks.

"Boom." There was a crisp sound in the room.

"Bang." There was another muffled sound in the room.

"Master Yuanzheng makes such a big fuss every time he cooks?" Gu Fenghua asked again.

"It's a retreat, to understand the great way of the holy law." Shen Xinnv, who was brainwashed by the magic stick, immediately corrected.

"Oh, is Master Yuanzheng making such a big noise every time he comprehends the Dao?" Gu Fenghua asked in a different way.

"Basically, the mysteries of the holy way are not so easy to comprehend, there will always be some movement." Shen Xinnu replied.

"And it's the way of entering the world, which is completely different from other people's way of cultivation, so the movement will inevitably be greater." Qin Xinnv added again.

Gu Fenghua and the others almost broke out in a cold sweat, isn't it just cooking a meal and stir-frying a dish, a way to enter the world. Such a lofty statement, coupled with the reverent eyes of two pious and honest women, even they are a little skeptical. Is what the Lord Yuanzheng said is true or not?

I don't know if it's true or not, but listening to the real commotion in the room, Gu Fenghua and the others are a little worried. Is the food cooked by Mr. Yuanzheng really edible?

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