My Brothers Are Geniuses While I’m The Useless One

Chapter 1840 No Salt in the Vegetables

Not long after, several delicious dishes came to the table.

"Fenghua, it's your fate, actually, it's also a chance for you to join my Yiyuan Academy. This glass of wine, I'll take care of it for you, and I'll do it first as a respect." Tantai Baiyi was in a good mood, and raised his glass first , which also has some elements of shame. This welcoming banquet is really too shabby.

"Lord Yuanzheng, we respect you, and I ask for your guidance in the future." Gu Fenghua and others had the nerve to ask Lord Yuanzheng to toast, so they quickly stood up and drank the wine in their glasses.

"Come, come, try my handicrafts. This dish is called Chiri Qianqiuxue. It is a recipe that I have pondered for many days. It coincides with the alternation of heaven and earth. You can feel it." Tantai Baiyi pointed to a dish Red, red, green and green are beautiful dishes and said.

How could Gu Fenghua and the others have ignored the kindness of Mr. Yuanzheng, they all raised their chopsticks and tasted it.

After tasting a few mouthfuls, Gu Fenghua frowned quietly. This dish looked pretty, and the name sounded very artistic, but it was neither salty, nor bland, nor sweet, nor spicy. . As for the way of the alternation of heaven and earth, she didn't feel it at all.

On the other hand, Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu had big appetites, and they wolfed down their food with wide smiles. I have to admit that these two little girls are quite easy to support. Of course, they should get used to the tasteless food after being under Tantai Baiyi for so many years.

Looking at the gluttonous appearance of the two who wished they could eat the whole plate, even Gu Fenghua felt wronged for them. After so many years, I really don't know how they survived.

Hu Moyu also ate with big mouthfuls, which seemed to suit his taste. But after thinking about it carefully, Gu Fenghua was relieved. Before meeting them, this guy had been hungry for several days. The chest is attached to the back, so I don't care about the taste.

What surprised Gu Fenghua the most was that Lorenen chewed slowly, as if tasting the taste and immersing himself in it. Although there are grades for foodies, Miss Luo obviously belongs to the low-grade category, but after getting used to Fatty Bai and her cooking skills, this guy's taste can't be so low, right?

"How is it? Does it taste good?" Tantai Baiyi said triumphantly without noticing Gu Fenghua's strangeness.

"It's delicious, it's delicious. It seems that Master's understanding of the Dao has deepened." Of course, Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu were full of praise.

"If I'm not mistaken, this dish should be stir-fried with green leaf lotus heart white and red leaf lotus heart white." Luo Enen said.

It turned out that she chewed slowly, not tasting the taste, but thinking about the ingredients of this dish. It seems that Miss Luo's culinary skills were not in vain a few days ago, at least she can figure out what this dish is made of.

You must know that Qingye Lianxinbai and Hongye Lianxinbai are unique medicinal materials of Wuji Shengtian, but their medicinal properties are extremely low, and they are often used for cooking, but they are similar to the leaves of several medicinal materials, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to recognize them.

"That's right, the green leaf lotus heart is cold in white, and the red leaf lotus heart is hot in white. The two complement each other, but they complement each other, which is in line with the alternation of heaven and earth." Tantai Baiyi said excitedly when he met a bosom friend.

Gu Fenghua secretly wiped off the cold sweat. In fact, in her opinion, the so-called Qingye Lianxinbai and Hongye Lianxinbai taste almost like Chinese cabbage. The world has changed.

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