"We can also practice Unified Qi Jue!" Both Shen Tinglan and Qin Hanyu were surprised.

They have been known for a long time for this set of internal cultivation techniques handed down by the Yiyuan Academy since ancient times, but it is said that not everyone can practice this technique. Over the past ten thousand years, very few people have learned this set of exercises and comprehended its essence There are only a handful of them, and they never expected that the master would teach them this set of heart formulas.

Although Hu Moyu had never heard of the Unified Qi Jue, but just looking at the expressions of Shen and Qin, he also knew that this exercise was not simple, and he was very excited.

After bowing and saying goodbye to Tantai Baiyi, they hurried back to the room. They wanted to clean up the table before leaving, but they didn't bother her because they saw that Lonen was having a good time eating.

Everyone else has left, only Gu Fenghua and Luo Enen are left at the table.

"Are you really going to eat up all the food on this table?" Gu Fenghua was a little speechless looking at Luo Enen who was engrossed in eating.

Although the dishes on this table are not rich, they are still enough for six people. Does she really want to eat herself like a pig?

"Actually, I can't eat anymore, but it's such a pity to throw away such a delicious meal." Lonen finally stopped, rubbing his stomach and said with a bitter face.

"Won't you put it there and eat it tomorrow?" Gu Fenghua said angrily.

"Will the taste change tomorrow?" Lonen asked worriedly.

"Have you ever heard that poison can change its taste?" Gu Fenghua asked rhetorically.

"That's right, let's eat it tomorrow." Luo Enen thought for a while, and it seemed that the more poisonous the food, the less likely it would spoil. The dishes she cooked were more poisonous than the poison, and they were left overnight. Really nothing to worry about.

After finishing speaking, Miss Luo got up and wiped the table, then put the unfinished dishes on the table, turned around and walked towards the room.

"Aren't you going to put it away?" Gu Fenghua asked in a daze.

"What are you going to do with it? It won't spoil anyway. Are you still worried that someone will steal it?" Lonen turned her head and said strangely.

Gu Fenghua patted her forehead, but she forgot that she just threw the sapphire porridge made by Miss Luo into the corner of the wall. Birds and beasts disappeared within ten miles, and even mosquitoes became rare animals. Once it is placed on the table, cats, mice and so on will have to stay away. Who would dare to steal it?

Even so, Gu Fenghua took out the food box, put a few dishes in it, closed the lid, and went back to his room to rest.

In the dead of night, a dark cloud fluttered with the wind in the sky, blocking the moonlight, the sky and the earth were pitch black, a figure was hidden in the darkness, and came quietly outside the courtyard wall of Yiyuan Academy.

Every academy in Yidao Academy is protected by prohibition. If it is not the disciples of this academy, others cannot easily enter and exit. However, this restriction is useless in front of that black shadow. I saw him lightly make a few handprints, and the front of him The light pattern floated, and a fictitious crack appeared, and the black shadow passed through the crack with a movement of his feet.

Shen Zhengxing has been in a bad mood these two days. It's fine if Gu Fenghua's calculations were discovered on the spot that day. After all, he is the director of Liangyi Academy, and his disciples dare not make irresponsible remarks. Maybe they will get busy gradually after a long time, but Today, the power of the beasts in the Liangyi Tiandi Stone has fallen into silence, and for no reason it has lost half!

In the final analysis, Liangyi Academy was able to become the top of the nine academies, thanks to the power of this divine beast. Realizing that something was wrong, Shen Zhengxing was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold, and he spurted blood on the spot, unable to stop it.

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